
Probe lets you ship personal metrics (feelings, energy level, productivity) to external services for analysis.

pip install probe==0.0.2



Probe lets you ship personal metrics (feelings, energy level, productivity) to external services for analysis.


  • Keep track of numbers, ratings, hours, and yes/no questions.
  • Ship personal metrics to multiple services.
  • Schedule how often you want to collect data, it'll keep track.

Getting Started

Run probe init after installing. Then look at the "configuration example" below. To anwer questions, run probe answer.

Configuration Example

  - sleep.hours:
    text: How long did you sleep last night? (in hours)
    unit: hours
    interval: every day

  - energy:
    text: what is your energy level right now?
    unit: rating
    lower: 0
    upper: 10

  - stdout:
    level: debug

  - tempodb:
    key: ...
    secret: ...

Save this as ~/.probe_config and run probe, and you'll get some nice output asking you questions at appropriate times. Run it as many times as you like, the questions will only be asked once per appropriate period.

Available Units:

  • Hours (key: hours) takes upper and lower limit (lower defaults to 0)
  • Rating (key: rating) takes upper and lower limit. (default to 10 and 0, respectively)
  • Number (key: number) keep track of arbitrary floating-point numbers.
  • Yes/No (key: yesno) answers a yes/no question. (accepts yes/no, 0/1, and true/false or shortened versions like t/f.)

Available Outputs:

  • StdOut (key: stdout) accepts a "level" argument - currently info or debug.

  • TempoDB (key: tempodb) accepts any arguments passed to tempodb.Client but you'll probably only need to know key and secret. Get these for a database in your account.

    You'll need to install with the "tempodb" extra (pip install probe[tempodb]) for this to work. You could also just install the tempodb client, but installing with the extra ensures you'll get future dependencies.