
A short package based on gpytorch implementing the Projected LMC model

gaussian-processes, multitask
pip install projectedlmc==0.0.1



Requirements and installation

The package only requires a recent version of gpytorch and of its dependencies (in particular torch). Some auxiliary functions are imported from scikit-learn to perform efficient SVD. Packages pandas and seaborn are listed in requirements, but are only used to reproduce graphs from the article.

To install, simply do:

pip install projectedlmc

In case the afferent github page doesn't work, the documentation can be built locally by downloading the docs folder and running the following command inside it (on linux):

make html

and then going to _build/html/index.html.

Models construction and usage

Models are built in the standard gpytorch way. File (reproducing results from the article) gives all necessary examples, but we shortly restate them below.

Exact single-output model

Not displayed in, but this model is the building block from which exact LMC/IMC and Projected LMC inherit. First create a likelihood with :

likelihood = gp.likelihoods.GaussianLikelihood()

Then create the model :

model = ExactGPModel(X, Y, likelihood, mean_type=Mean, kernel_type=kernel, decomp=decomp, ker_kwargs=ker_kwargs)

(All fields are described in the documentation). Note that this class can also generate an independent multitask GP (i.e a batch of independent single-task GPs trained simultaneously) with the optional argument n_tasks.

To go into training mode, do :


Specify a loss function, an optimizer, and optionnaly a scheduler, with :

mll = gp.mlls.ExactMarginalLogLikelihood(likelihood, model)
optimizer = torch.optim.AdamW(model.parameters(), lr=lr)
scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.ExponentialLR(optimizer, gamma=np.exp(np.log(lr_min / lr) / n_iter))

The training loop then looks like :

for i in range(n_iter):
                with gp.settings.cholesky_jitter(1e-5):
                    output_train = model(X)
                    loss = -mll(output_train, Y)

And predictions can be made through :

observed_pred = full_likelihood(model(X_test))
pred_y = observed_pred.mean
lower, upper = observed_pred.confidence_region()

Note that, as for all other models, the helper methods .lscales() and .outputscale() help inspect the optimized parameters of the GP:


Exact LMC or IMC model

The data arrays X and Y must have shape n_points x n_dim and n_points x n_tasks respectively, and predictions will have the same shape convention. All syntax is identical to this of the above single-output GP ; the only difference is in the likelihood, which is now a multitask one :

likelihood = gp.likelihoods.MultitaskGaussianLikelihood(num_tasks=n_tasks, rank=lik_rank)

The input "rank" is the rank of the cross-tasks noise covariance matrix ; rank=0 corresponds to a diagonal matrix.

The model also has extra inputs compared to the previous case :

model = MultitaskGPModel(X, Y, likelihood, n_tasks=n_tasks, n_latents=n_lat, model_type='LMC', 
                    mean_type=Mean, kernel_type=kernel, decomp=decomp,
                    init_lmc_coeffs=True, fix_diagonal=True, ker_kwargs=ker_kwargs)

One of course has to specify the number of tasks and latent functions, but also the type of model between "LMC" and "IMC" (whether or not latent processes have different kernels), and additional optional parameters init_lmc_coeffs and fix_diagonal - covered in the documentation.

variational model

The variational LMC model functions a bit differently. As before, one starts by defining a multitask likelihood :

likelihood = gp.likelihoods.MultitaskGaussianLikelihood(num_tasks=n_tasks, rank=lik_rank)

And a model :

model = VariationalMultitaskGPModel(X, n_tasks=n_tasks, n_latents=n_lat_mod, train_ind_ratio=1.5, seed=0, 
                    init_lmc_coeffs=True, train_y=Y, 
                    mean_type=Mean, kernel_type=kernel,  decomp=decomp, ker_kwargs=ker_kwargs)

Here, a train_ind_ratio (ratio between the number of training points and the smaller number of inducing points) must be specified as the inducing points approximation is used. Inducing points locations are learned and initialized with a Sobol' sequence, which random scrambling is controlled by parameter seed. If the ratio is set to 1, the behavior is different : inducing points are fixed at the location of input points. A variational distribution distrib must also be specified - see the gpytorch documentation on this topic. The default gpytorch.variational.CholeskyVariationalDistribution is a safe pick in all cases. Another difference with previous cases is that the train_Y input is not even necessary : it is only specified in the above example for LMC coefficients initialization. In the same vein, the model doesn't take a likelihood as an input : they remain separated.

The marginal log-likelihood is replaced by a lower bound, the ELBO:

mll = gp.mlls.VariationalELBO(likelihood, model, num_data=n_points)

And likelihood and model parameters are optimized separately :

optimizer = torch.optim.AdamW([{'params': model.parameters()}, {'params': likelihood.parameters()}], lr=lr)

Projected models

Projected LMC models, introduced in the afferent article, present other subtleties. First, the likelihood here is a batched gaussian likelihood, which dimension is the number of latent processes instead of this of tasks :

proj_likelihood = gpytorch.likelihoods.GaussianLikelihood(batch_shape=torch.Size([n_lat]))

One is automatically generated by the model if none is provided at instantiation. This latent-level likelihood, independent over latent processes, corresponds to the projected noise in the article. It will be stored in the model attribute .likelihood, while the full task-level likelihood can be generated by the method .full_likelihood().

The model has extra options, corresponding to the simplifications depicted in the article (see the documentation):

model = ProjectedGPModel(X, Y, n_tasks, n_lat, proj_likelihood=proj_likelihood,
                                   mean_type=Mean,  kernel_type=kernel, decomp=decomp,
                                   BDN=False, diagonal_B=False, scalar_B=False, diagonal_R=False,  
                                   init_lmc_coeffs=True, ker_kwargs=ker_kwargs)

The MLL function is here a custom one, composed of the independent single-output losses of the latent processes plus additional projection-related terms :

mll = ProjectedLMCmll(proj_likelihood, model)

At prediction time, in gpytorch, modelled noise is usually added to GP covariance by calling likelihood(model(X_test)). Here, the full likelihood (by opposition to the projected one) has to be called instead :

full_likelihood = model.full_likelihood()
observed_pred = full_likelihood(model(X_test))

Finally, note that the various quantities described in the paper ($\mathbf{H, TY, \Sigma_{P}}$...) can be accessed through helper methods : .projection_matrix(), .project_data(train_Y), etc.

Experiments reproduction

Results generation

File has been used to generate all experiments on synthetic data. It allows one to inspect the effect of varying one parameter (or two, or more with slight modifications) of this data on several models trained side-by-side. These parameters, described in the article under the same name, are : p, q, q_noise, n, mu_noise, mu_str, max_scale. Two additional ones are q_noise_guess and lik_rank, controling the number of latent functions of the model and model noise respectively (and not of the data and data noise), making it possible to assess the impact of model misspecification. Default parameter values are contained in the dictionnary v and their range of variation for parametric studies in dictionnary 'v_vals'.

To perform a parametric study, just specify the above-described parameter default values and ranges, the included models in the list models_to_run, and the test parameter v_test (plus eventally a second parameter v_test_2 for a cross-variables study). A csv file with appropriate name will be outputed, detailing data specifications and performance metrics (defined in the function compute_metrics) for all models ; its name can be modulated through the field 'appendix' or directly. Predefined inputs corresponding to the paper's figures are given at the beginning of the script ; just uncomment the corresponding line to reproduce one of them. Additional options are available :

  • loss_thresh and patience : parameters of the stopping criterion (see paper annex D)
  • training parameters n_iters and lrs (maximal number of iterations and learning rate);
  • models_with_sched : what models to endow with the suggested exponential decay scheduler (otherwise, individualized schedulers for each model could be specified by directly editing the script);
  • print_metrics : whether to display performance metrics in console after each run;
  • print_loss : whether to display loss at the end of each 100 iterations of model training, to inspect convergence;
  • reject_nonconverged_runs: in some extreme or misspecified setups, some models frequently jump out of local minima. In most cases they are able to recover afterwards, but sometimes they fail to do so in the prescribed iterations budget, leading to poor predictive performance - a situation which never happened in experiments of the article. If this option is set to True, the output csv file is divided into two parts : one including all runs, and another including only converged runs and specifying the number of successful ones. Runs are rejected if accuracy is perceived as abnormally low (errors four times larger than the data noise).
  • n_random_runs: number of random repetitions of the test.

Data and model characteristics can of course be modified directly in the body of the script.

Finally, '' has been used to generate all experiments on real data. To reproduce one of them, just fill the number of the desired one ('experiment = experiments[i]') at the beginning of the script, then run it. You can also modify experimental settings (number of inducing points, data subsampling factors, parameters of the models, models to test...) in the preamble of the file or in the block of each experiment ; these settings are defined in annex D of the paper and use the same syntax as in file

Graph processing

Script has been used to generate all graphs of the paper, and enables easy visualization of experimental results. For inspecting a given simple parametric study, one can simply fill the self-explanatory fields mods_to_plot, v (variable to plot again), metric, and then run the script or call the function make_plot. All styles can of course be further customized. Once again, predefined setups corresponding to the paper's figures are given at the beginning of the script ; just uncomment the corresponding line to reproduce one of them. Below the main part of the file also lies the small script which generated figure 7.