A simple script to test if one or more HTTP proxies are working by fetching a webpage.

proxy, test, command, multiple, proxies, command-line, commandline, example, parallel, python
pip install proxytest==0.5.4



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Simple command-line script to check if multiple proxies are up by fetching a webpage through each (in parallel).

But the main purpose of proxytest is to be a Python coding sample, so it has way more features than it needs. :)

It's also an excuse for me to play with Travis, pypi, and namespace packages.


proxytest exampleproxy.com http://exampleproxy.com:8081  # port defaults to 8080, scheme to http

proxytest exampleproxy.com:8080-8081  # same as above (port range expansion)

proxytest  --backend requests  # use another backend

proxytest -v -n 10 --timeout 1 "https://user:pass@" ""

proxytest "" --url="https://example.com"  --print

proxytest --help

python3 -m proxytest --version


Requires Python 3.4 or above (Python 3.5 and above recommended).

Install with default backends (no dependencies):

python3 -m pip install proxytest

Install all recommended backends (has additional dependencies):

python3 -m pip install proxytest[all]

Install backends explicitly:

python3 -m pip install proxytest[aiohttp] proxytest[requests]


Built-in backends:

  • simple - simple backend that uses only Python Standard Library modules
  • dummy - does not make any outgoing connections

Optional backends:

  • aiohttp - asyncio support (requires: aiohttp, Python >= 3.5.3)
  • requests - useful for Python 3.4, supports HTTPS proxies (requires: requests)

Third-party extensions can add backends by using the proxytest.backends namespace package. See the tests/ directory for an example.

If a backend's requirements have not been met, the --help description for the --backend option will show a list of recommended packages to install that would enable more backends.

Command-line Arguments:

$ proxytest --help
usage: proxytest [-h] [--version] [--agent AGENT]
                 [--backend {aiohttp,dummy,requests}] [--number NUMBER]
                 [--repeat SECONDS] [--timeout TIMEOUT] [--url TEST_URL]
                 [--workers WORKERS] [--print] [--format PRINT_FORMAT]
                 [--quiet] [--debug] [--verbose]

Test if one or more HTTP proxies are working by requesting a webpage through

positional arguments:
                        The proxy host/ports to use. -ENDPORT is optional.
                        Example: Use "none" to
                        call the webpage directly.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  --agent AGENT, -a AGENT
                        The user agent string to use. (default: random)
  --backend {aiohttp,dummy,requests}, -b {aiohttp,dummy,requests}
                        The backend to use. Choose from: aiohttp, dummy,
                        requests. (default: aiohttp)
  --number NUMBER, -n NUMBER
                        Number of times to test each proxy (default: 1)
  --repeat SECONDS, -r SECONDS
                        Continue running and repeat the test every X seconds
  --timeout TIMEOUT, -t TIMEOUT
                        Timeout in seconds for each request. (default: 2)
  --url TEST_URL, -u TEST_URL
                        The URL of the webpage to get. (default:
  --workers WORKERS, -j WORKERS
                        Max number of concurrent requests. (default:

  --print, -p           Print each webpage to stdout on a successful fetch.
                        The output format to use for --print. Placeholders:
                        config, end_callback, error, finished, headers, idx,
                        proxy_url, request, result, start_callback, started,
                        status, status_code, url. (default: 'Content from
                        {proxy_url} ({idx}): "{result_flat:.100}..."')
  --quiet, -q           Suppress logging. Overrides --debug and --verbose, but
                        --print will still work.
  --debug, -d           Enable debug logging to stderr. Overrides --verbose.
  --verbose, -v         Enable verbose logging to stderr.


No output on success unless verbose or debug mode enabled.

Exit codes:

  • 0 - all proxy requests succeeded
  • 1 - one or more proxy requests failed
  • 2 - could not test proxies (e.g. due to input error or system error)


A client needed a script to periodically check the outgoing connections on a dozen or so private proxies. A search for "proxy test" in pypi found nothing relevant.

Normally, I would have just written a simple wrapper for an HTTP client with proxy support (such as httpie).

But instead, I grabbed the excuse opportunity to write a coding sample open source package that is remotely useful is destined to become wildly popular.


Homepage: https://github.com/yoleg/proxytest

A list of free proxies that may be useful for testing (not verified or in any way associated with this project): https://hidemyna.me/en/proxy-list/