
Python daemon that gets information from psutil to an mqtt broker for integration with Home Assistant.

pip install ps2mqtt==0.0.3


PyPI version


Python daemon that gets information from psutil to an mqtt broker for integration with Home Assistant.


You can install ps2mqtt from pypi:

$ pip install ps2mqtt

If you wish to run ps2mqtt through systemd, download the ps2mqtt.service file from this repository and edit according to your system.

Then just copy to systemd path and enable the service before starting:

$ sudo cp ps2mqtt.service /etc/systemd/system/

$ sudo systemctl enable ps2mqtt.service 

$ systemctl start ps2mqtt.service 


ps2mqtt has several command line options you should use when customizing ps2mqtt.service:

  -h, --help                                  show this help message and exit
  --config CONFIG                             configuration file, will be created if non existing
  --period PERIOD                             updates period in seconds
  --mqtt-server MQTT_SERVER                   MQTT server
  --mqtt-port MQTT_PORT                       MQTT port
  --mqtt-username MQTT_USERNAME               MQTT username
  --mqtt-password MQTT_PASSWORD               MQTT password
  --mqtt-base-topic MQTT_BASE_TOPIC           MQTT base topic
  --ha-discover-prefix HA_DISCOVER_PREFIX     HA discover mqtt prefix
  --ha-status-topic HA_STATUS_TOPIC           HA status mqtt topic

You can also store all the options in a file, just run all your options plus the --config /etc/ps2mqtt.yaml to store all your parameters in a config file. Next time you run, just use --config /etc/ps2mqtt.yaml.