
Time the execution of Python code using syntax similar to MATLAB's tic and toc functions.

pip install py-tictoc-timer==2.1.1



PyPI version Python
Released Unit Testing Publish Package codecov
Vulnerabilities License Downloads Code style: black

Time the execution of Python code using syntax similar to MATLAB's tic and toc functions.



  • Using pip:

    pip install py-tictoc-timer
  • Using pipenv:

    pipenv install py-tictoc-timer
  • Using poetry:

    1. In your pyproject.toml file, add:
      py-tictoc-timer = "*"
      Then in the terminal, run:
      poetry install
    2. Or run:
      poetry add py-tictoc-timer
  • Using conda:

    conda install py-tictoc-timer


  • Basic usage:

    >>> from py_tictoc_timer.tictoc import TicToc
    >>> from time import sleep
    >>> tt = TicToc()
    >>> tt.tic()
    >>> sleep(1.1)
    >>> tt.toc()
    Elapsed time: 1secs
  • Within context manager:

    >>> from py_tictoc_timer.tictoc import TicToc
    >>> from time import sleep
    >>> with TicToc():
    ...     sleep(1.1)
    Elapsed time: 1secs
  • Within context manager using custom messages:

    >>> from py_tictoc_timer.tictoc import TicToc
    >>> from time import sleep
    >>> with TicToc(begin_message="start", end_message="end"):
    ...     sleep(1.1)
    end: 1secs
  • Particularly helpful when running loops:

    >>> from py_tictoc_timer.tictoc import TicToc
    >>> from time import sleep
    >>> with TicToc(begin_message="Start loop", end_message="Time to run loop")
    ...     for value in ["first", "second", "Third"]:
    ...         with TicToc(f"- Time for {value}"):
    ...             sleep(1.1)
    Start loop
    - Time for first: 1secs
    - Time for second: 1secs
    - Time for Third: 1secs
    Time to run loop: 3secs
  • Custom message:

    >>> from py_tictoc_timer.tictoc import TicToc
    >>> from time import sleep
    >>> with TicToc("Total Time"):
    ...     sleep(1.1)
    Total time: 1secs
  • With restart during .tic():

    >>> from py_tictoc_timer.tictoc import TicToc
    >>> from time import sleep
    >>> tt = TicToc()
    >>> tt.tic(restart=True)
    >>> sleep(1.1)
    >>> toc()
    Elapsed time: 1secs
    >>> toc()
    Elapsed time: 1secs
  • With restart during .toc():

    >>> from py_tictoc_timer.tictoc import TicToc
    >>> from time import sleep
    >>> tt = TicToc()
    >>> tt.tic()
    >>> sleep(1.1)
    >>> tt.toc(restart=True)
    Elapsed time: 1secs
    >>> tt.toc()
    Elapsed time: 1secs
  • With restart using .rtoc():

    >>> from py_tictoc_timer.tictoc import TicToc
    >>> from time import sleep
    >>> tt = TicToc()
    >>> tt.tic()
    >>> sleep(1.1)
    >>> tt.rtoc()
    Elapsed time: 1secs
    >>> tt.toc()
    Elapsed time: 1secs
  • With time returned as value:

    >>> from py_tictoc_timer.tictoc import TicToc
    >>> from time import sleep
    >>> tt = TicToc()
    >>> tt.tic()
    >>> sleep(1.1)
    >>> value = tt.toc_value()
    >>> print(round(value, 1))
  • With time returned as string:

    >>> from py_tictoc_timer.tictoc import TicToc
    >>> from time import sleep
    >>> tt = TicToc()
    >>> tt.tic()
    >>> sleep(1.1)
    >>> value = tt.toc_string()
    >>> print(value)


Contribution is always welcome!

  1. First, either fork or branch the main repo.
  2. Clone your forked/branched repo.
  3. Build your environment with any of the below options:
    1. With pipenv:
      if (-not (Test-Path .venv)) {mkdir .venv}
      python -m pipenv install --requirements requirements.txt --ignore-pipfile --skip-lock --no-site-packages
      python -m pipenv install --requirements requirements-dev.txt --dev --ignore-pipfile --skip-lock --no-site-packages
      python -m pipenv run pre-commit install
    2. With poetry on Windows:
      (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -UseBasicParsing).Content | python -
      python -m poetry run pre-commit install
    3. With poetry on Linux:
      curl -sSL | python -
      python -m poetry run pre-commit install
  4. Start contributing.
  5. Ensure you add additional Unit Test's to the test library for each new feature/functionality.
  6. Ensure that all the tests are passing successfully.
  7. When you're happy with the changes, raise a Pull Request to merge with the main branch again.


  • Run Black:

    pipenv run python -m black --safe py_tictoc_timer tests
  • Run PyTests:

    pipenv run python -m pytest --verbose --cov=py_tictoc_timer --cov-report=term --cov-report=html:cov-report/html --cov-report=xml:cov-report/xml/cov-report.xml
  • Run MyPy Tests:

    pipenv run mypy py_tictoc_timer --ignore-missing-imports --pretty --install-types --non-interactive


This package was inspired by a few other packages:

Why you should use py-tictoc-timer and not any of the others is because this package has:

  1. Better & more flexible restart to the timer
  2. Better custom messages during starting & ending the timer
  3. Enhanced usage within a context manager
