API Wrapper

pip install py-tmio==0.4.2

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An Asyncio Friendly Trackmania API Wrapper for Python!

Important - API for my own project?

See below on how to set your user agent

Your User-Agent Must Have:

  1. Your Discord Username
  2. Your Project Name

Example: NottCurious#4351 | TMIndiaBot

" | via py-tmio" is automatically appended to your user agent

How to set user agent.

from trackmania import Client

Client.USER_AGENT = "NottCurious#4351 | TMIndiaBot"

How to set Redis Server Settings

from trackmania import Client

Client.REDIS_HOST = "" # is default
Client.REDIS_PORT = 6379 # 6379 is default
Client.REDIS_DB = 0 # 0 is default
Client.REDIS_PASSWORD = "yadayadayada" # Defaults to None. Don't need to change this if your redis server does not have a password.


Docs can be found on


Note: Must have Python 3.10 or higher.

python3 -m pip install py-tmio # Linux

python -m pip install py-tmio # Windows


Caching is done using a redis server. The client defaults to

Caching is not required but is highly recommended.

April Roadmap

By April 8th

  1. Implement TMMap Class (or rename COTD Map class)

    • Parameters
      1. environment
      2. exchange
      3. exchange_id
      4. file_name
      5. id
      6. leaderboard
      7. medal_times
      8. name
      9. storage_id
      10. thumbnail
      11. thumbnail_cached
      12. uid
      13. uploaded
      14. url
    • Functions
      1. author
      2. leaderboard_get(position)
      3. submitter()
  2. Implement Room Class

    • Parameters
      1. id
      2. image_url
      3. is_cloud
      4. login
      5. max_players_count
      6. name
      7. player_count
      8. region
      9. script
      10. script_settings
    • Functions
      1. club()
      2. maps()
  3. Implement ClubActivity class

    • Parameters
      1. external_id
      2. id
      3. is_password_protected
      4. is_public
      5. media
      6. name
      7. type
    • Functions
      1. campaign()
      2. room()
  4. Implement ClubMember class

    • Parameters

      1. is_admin
      2. is_creator
      3. is_vip
      4. join_date
      5. role
    • Functions

      1. member()
  5. Implement Club Class

    • Parameters
      1. background
      2. created_at
      3. decal
      4. description
      5. featured
      6. id
      7. logo
      8. member_count
      9. name
      10. popularity
      11. screens
      12. state
      13. tag
      14. vertical
    • Functions
      1. creator()
      2. fetch_activities(page)
      3. fetch_members(page)
  6. Implement Campaign class

    • Parameters
      1. created_at
      2. id
      3. image
      4. is_official
      5. leaderboard_id
      6. map_count
      7. media
      8. name
      9. uploaded_at
    • Functions
      1. club()
      2. leaderboard()
      3. map(index)
      4. maps()
  7. Implement CampaignSearchResult class

    • Parameters
      1. club_id
      2. date
      3. id
      4. map_count
      5. name
    • Functions
      1. get_campaign()
  8. Implement CampaignMedia class

    • Parameters
      1. button_background
      2. button_foreground
      3. decal
      4. live_button_background
      5. live_button_foreground
      6. popup
      7. popup_background
  9. Implement CampaignLeaderboard class

    • Parameters 1.
    • Functions
  10. Implement the Campaign Manager class

    • Functions
      1. current_season
      2. get(club_id, id)
      3. official_campaigns()
      4. popular_campaigns(page)
      5. search(query, page)

By April 15th

  1. Implement MapManager class
    • Functions
      1. get()


Latest TOTD

from trackmania.managers import totd_manager

# In Async Function
latest_totd = await totd_manager.latest_totd()


Pull Requests and Issues

If you have any suggestions, bugs, fixes or enhancements, please open a Pull Request or Issue


Contact me on Discord if you have any questions, NottCurious#4351


MIT License