
BI automation utilities.

pip install py-vor==0.0.7


Table of contents generated with markdown-toc


This library is intended to ease the use basic operations for data retrieval or storage for BI. This library is still in development.

Main objects


Object to run queries from SQL files and return them in a specified format.


  • engine: Name of the DB engine to run queries on. Supported engines are:
    • mysql
    • sqlserver
    • redshift
    • postgresql
  • host: Host name of the DB to run queries on.
  • port: Port number of the DB to run queries on.
  • username: Username to connect to the DB with.
  • password: Password for the user to connect to the DB with.
  • schema: Default schema to run queries on.
  • sql_file: Location of the file that has the queries to run.


  • autocommit=False: Whether the cursor will have autocommit on or off. Can only be True or False.
  • returns_rows=False: Whether the query returns rows or not. Use False for basically everything other than SELECT statements.
  • text_to_replace=None: List of strings to replace the strings in the replace_text_with kwarg. Must be the same length of replace_text_with.
  • replace_text_with=None: List of strings to replace the strings in the text_to_replace kwarg. Must be the same length of text_to_replace.
  • include_headers=True: If return_as is nested_list, csv_file or s3_upload, this will determine if the results include the column names or not.
  • return_as='nested_list': Determines the format for the results to be returned. Can be:
    • nested_list: List of lists, where each inner list is a row of the results.
    • csv_file: CSV file where each row is a row of the results.
    • s3_upload: Same as CSV but uploads the results file to S3 and the deletes the local file.
    • dict: Each row is a dictionary in a list inside of {'data': [output]}.
    • pd_dataframe: Pandas standard data frame.
  • results_file=None: Name and location of the file to put the results on. Only works when return_as is csv_file or s3_upload.
  • aws_access_key_id=None: AWS Access Key ID. Can remain as None if AWS CLI has the keys configured or IAM role is set up in host.
  • aws_secret_access_key=None: AWS Secret Access Key. Can remain as None if AWS CLI has the keys configured or IAM role is set up in host.
  • aws_region_name='us-east-1': Default AWS region name.
  • aws_bucket_name=None: Bucket to put the results on. Only works if resturn_as is s3_upload.
  • aws_file_path='': S3 path after bucket to put the file on. Does not include the actual file name, for that use the results_file kwarg.


Nested list without headers
>>> from import get_secret
>>> from py_vor.QueryRunner import QueryRunner
>>> secret = get_secret('aws_secret_name')
>>> runner = QueryRunner(secret['engine'], secret['host'], secret['port'], secret['username'], secret['password'],secret['dbname'], 'select_user.sql', returns_rows=True, include_headers=False)
>>> results = runner.execute_all()
>>> results
[['10001', '1953-09-02', 'Georgi', 'Facello', 'M', '1986-06-26']]
Nested list with headers
>>> from import get_secret
>>> from py_vor.QueryRunner import QueryRunner
>>> secret = get_secret('aws_secret_name')
>>> runner = QueryRunner(secret['engine'], secret['host'], secret['port'], secret['username'], secret['password'],secret['dbname'], 'select_user.sql', returns_rows=True)
>>> results = runner.execute_all()
>>> results
[['emp_no', 'birth_date', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'gender', 'hire_date'], ['10001', '1953-09-02', 'Georgi', 'Facello', 'M', '1986-06-26']]
>>> from import get_secret
>>> from py_vor.QueryRunner import QueryRunner
>>> secret = get_secret('aws_secret_name')
>>> runner = QueryRunner(secret['engine'], secret['host'], secret['port'], secret['username'], secret['password'],secret['dbname'], 'select_user.sql', returns_rows=True, return_as='dict')
>>> results = runner.execute_all()
>>> results
{'data': [{'emp_no': '10001', 'birth_date': '1953-09-02', 'first_name': 'Georgi', 'last_name': 'Facello', 'gender': 'M', 'hire_date': '1986-06-26'}]}
Pandas data frame
>>> from import get_secret
>>> from py_vor.QueryRunner import QueryRunner
>>> secret = get_secret('aws_secret_name')
>>> runner = QueryRunner(secret['engine'], secret['host'], secret['port'], secret['username'], secret['password'],secret['dbname'], 'select_user.sql', returns_rows=True, return_as='pd_dataframe')
>>> results = runner.execute_all()
>>> results
  emp_no  birth_date first_name last_name gender   hire_date
0  10001  1953-09-02     Georgi   Facello      M  1986-06-26



Gets secret from AWS Secrets Manager.


  • secret_name: Name of the secret in AWS Secrets Manager.


  • aws_access_key_id=None: AWS Access Key ID. Can remain as None if AWS CLI has the keys configured or IAM role is set up in host.
  • aws_secret_access_key=None: AWS Secret Access Key. Can remain as None if AWS CLI has the keys configured or IAM role is set up in host.
  • aws_region_name='us-east-1': Default AWS region name.


>>> from import get_secret
>>> secret = get_secret('aws_secret_name')
>>> secret
{'username': 'dbusername', 'password': 'pswd', 'engine': 'mysql', 'host': 'localhost', 'port': 3306, 'dbname': 'default_schema', 'dbInstanceIdentifier': 'instanceID'}


Download a file from S3.


  • file_name: Name of the file to download from S3.
  • aws_bucket_name: Name of the the bucket the file is located on.
  • aws_file_path: Path where the file is located


  • aws_access_key_id=None: AWS Access Key ID. Can remain as None if AWS CLI has the keys configured or IAM role is set up in host.
  • aws_secret_access_key=None: AWS Secret Access Key. Can remain as None if AWS CLI has the keys configured or IAM role is set up in host.
  • aws_region_name='us-east-1': Default AWS region name.


Straight from bucket
>>> from import download_from_s3
>>> bucket_name = 'bucket-name'
>>> download_from_s3('my_file.txt', bucket_name, '')
With additional path
>>> from import download_from_s3
>>> bucket_name = 'bucket-name'
>>> download_from_s3('my_file.txt', bucket_name, 'subfolder1/subfolder2')


Upload a file to S3.


  • file_name: Name of the file to download from S3.
  • aws_bucket_name: Name of the the bucket the file is located on.
  • aws_file_path: Path where the file is located


  • aws_access_key_id=None: AWS Access Key ID. Can remain as None if AWS CLI has the keys configured or IAM role is set up in host.
  • aws_secret_access_key=None: AWS Secret Access Key. Can remain as None if AWS CLI has the keys configured or IAM role is set up in host.
  • aws_region_name='us-east-1': Default AWS region name.


Straight to bucket
>>> from import upload_to_s3
>>> bucket_name = 'bucket-name'
>>> upload_to_s3('my_file.txt', bucket_name, '')
With additional path
>>> from import upload_to_s3
>>> bucket_name = 'bucket-name'
>>> upload_to_s3('my_file.txt', bucket_name, 'subfolder1/subfolder2')

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