
Built to use with Tausand Abacus coincidence counters

pip install pyAbacus==1.2.0



pyAbacus is built to simplify the usage of Tausand Abacus family of coincidence counters, providing a library aimed to interface these devices using Python coding.

Written in Python3, pyAbacus relies on the following modules:

  • pyserial

Library version: 1.2.0
Original release date: 12/28/2017 (mm/dd/yyyy)
Current release date: 01/12/2023
Supported models: AB1002, AB1004, AB1502, AB1504, AB2502, AB2504.

About Tausand Abacus AB1000

This is a family of coincidence counters, ideal to measure temporal correlations in particle detection and quantum optics experiments.

To learn more about them, visit our website

To obtain a Tausand's Abacus coincidence counter, visit our online shop or contact us at


pyAbacus can be installed using pip as:

pip install pyAbacus

Or from GitHub

pip install git+

Examples and documentation

To learn how to use pyAbacus, take a look at the examples folder and run the scripts after you've installed pyAbacus. For more details on how to run this library, read PyAbacus_Documentation.pdf or navigate the HTML version located at docs/build/html/index.html.

For developers

Clone the GitHub repository and then follow the next steps:

Creating a virtual environment

Run the following code to create a virtual environment called .venv

python -m venv .venv


  • On Unix systems:
source .venv/bin/activate
  • On Windows:



Installing packages

After the virtual environment has been activated, install required packages by using:

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

This will allow you to build the documentation using Sphinx.

Editing version number

When a new version is created, the new numbering should be updated in the following files:

  • docs/source/
  • pyAbacus/
  • setup.cfg

Building docs

Go to the docs folder and run

make <command>

Where <command> is one of the following:

  • latexpdf
  • html

To run the latexpdf command you will need a working installation of Latex.