
revealjs based presentation

pip install pyWorkflowRevealjs==1.0


PyWorkflowReaveljs module


The PyWorkflowReaveljs module makes it easy to produce a revealjs presentation. Besides of what can be done with the pyRevealjs module, and what can be done with pyWorkflow module (see documentation of these modules), it is possible to link these 2 modules to create a workflow presentation easily. Then the presentation follows the logical paths defined in the workflow.

It is also easier to build a standard presentation (without any workflow definition) thanks to high level classes.

Basic call examples

Suppose you want to create a presentation based on a series of images available in folder C:/temp/images. Images should comply with this pattern ID_title[_part][_version] where :

  • ID is a unique identifier (integer), ID may be not unique when part or version number differs
  • title is an arbitrary title for the slide,
  • part is an optional part number (to display slide parts vertically)
  • version is an optional version number (to create presentation versions relative to slide or image versions)

file name examples:

0_mon image.jpg
1_mon image_1.2_0.5.png

from pyWorkflowRevealjs import Generator
settings= {'imageFolder':'C:/temp/images'}

That's it! the presentation is generated in the current working directory with name presentation_v0.0.html

Now suppose you want to create a presentation without any other content that the workflow definition shown below and saved in a .csv file:

stepId title nexts
1 my first step 2-3
2 my second step 4
3 step 3! 12
4 step4
9 step9 12-4
12 step12

here is the csv file:

1,my first step,2-3
2,my second step,4
3,step 3!,12

and here is the code:

from pyWorkflowRevealjs.generator import Generator
settings= {'workflowFile':'workflow.csv'}

And now all together: create a presentation with markdown files in the slides folder, images in the images folder, workflow definition workflow.csv. Create presentations for versions 0 and 1 as linear presentations representing all possible paths (for example 1-2-4, 1-3-12, ...) and a workflow presentation with links (slide 1 can drive to slides 2 and 3 thanks to links).

Note that the markdown slides (or simply txt files) should respect one of the following rules: - the markdown file owns a header section composed of a "---" sequence defining the start and end of the header. It should be at the very beginning of the file. In this header at least 2 keys are defined : - title: arbitrary title - id: a unique integer. 2 slides can't have the same id, except if it is split. - part: [optional] float number. A Slide may be split in multiple parts. In this case, they have the same id but a different part number. If not set, 0.0 is the default value. - version: [optional] float number. A slide may have different versions, then a history may be managed (version 0 is older than version 1). If not set, 0.0 is the default value - the markdown file name is built as follow: id_title[_part][_version]. The fields are the same than in the header definition

markdown file with header example:

# My markdown file
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, ...

from pyWorkflowRevealjs import Generator
settings = {'workflowFile': 'C:/temp/workflow.csv', 'imageFolder': 'C:/temp/images', 'outputFolder': 'C:/temp/pres',
            'slideFolder': 'C:/temp/slides', 'versions': [0, 1], 'createLinearPresentations': True, 'createWorkflowPresentation': True}

Like I said, easy!