
Useful functions commonly used in aerospace engineering.

aerospace, engineering, tools
pip install pyavia==0.0.3



PyAvia is a collection of modules useful for common tasks in aerospace engineering or engineering in general.

The current version is 0.0.3.

Important points:

  • Development is intended to be organic.
  • Modules presently included were either previously developed during my day-to-day work as an engineer, or otherwise just out of curiosity. If something seems like it might be useful to other people, I will try to include it.
  • I don't intend on including anything that is particularly arcane, buggy, hard to use or not for the public domain.


CAVEAT COMPUTOR - These modules are provided "as is", without warranty of any kind. They are intended to be read and/or used by people trained in engineering and scientific methods who know how to verify results and who can recognise incorrect values when they see them... which will happen frequently.


NumPy may need to be installed prior to installing PyAvia (because I may not have setuptools completely on my side), see this link.

Once NumPy is installed, install PyAvia using the typical pip installation methods, for example:

  • Using a shell with pip directly and root access:
$ pip install pyavia
  • Using a windows prompt as a user only:
C:\> py -m pip install --user pyavia

Documentation Documentation Status

Documentation can be found at ReadTheDocs.

Source Code

The source code is available in the Github repository.

License License

PyAvia is provided free of charge for use under the conditions of the MIT license.

See the license file for more details.

Copyright 2020 © Eric J. Whitney