
Play the card game Baccarat

baccarat, game, playing, cards, card
pip install pybaccarat==0.18



Play the card game Baccarat

To check out a copy of the source: cd base-location git clone

Run each of the following with: Python 2.7.13

Run unit tests: cd base-location
python tests\
python tests\
python tests\
python tests\

To check the coding standards and minor quality check: cd base-location
pycodestyle pybaccarat\
pycodestyle pybaccarat\
pycodestyle pybaccarat\
pycodestyle bin\
pylint --rcfile=\usr\local\bin\pylint2.rc pybaccarat\
pylint --rcfile=\usr\local\bin\pylint2.rc pybaccarat\
pylint --rcfile=\usr\local\bin\pylint2.rc pybaccarat\
pylint --rcfile=\usr\local\bin\pylint2.rc bin\

To run the build and make distribution packages: cd base-location
python sdist bdist_egg
rem dist/* contains source and binary distribution packages

Updating this code

  1. Clean up temp files.
    1. del /s/q build dist pybaccarat.egg-info
    2. rmdir /s/q build dist pybaccarat.egg-info
    3. del /s/q tests\*.pyc pybaccarat\*.pyc
  2. Check for updates to git.
    1. GIT education
    2. git clone username@host:/path/to/repository
      This will make a copy of code from a remote host to local, setting up 3 trees (working directory, index, and head). What you normally see is the working directory. The index and head trees are in the .git directory.
    3. git status
      Shows you files missing from git and files that are changed.
    4. git diff
      Git diff will show you changed files differences.
    5. git add
      Use the git add command to move changes from the working directory to the index. Files that are new from the repo are initially checked in with the git add command. Files that have been changed are also check in this way. You often use git add one file at a time since you specify each file with this command.
    6. git commit -m "description"
      Use the git commit command to move changes from the index to the head. You will do this for all the git added files once.
    7. git push ?
      Use the git push command to move changes from the head to the remote host.
    8. git init is used to create a new repo the first time
    1. git status
    2. git add bin\ and other missing files
    3. git diff to check changes
    4. git add to check in changes
  3. check in code to git. git add done above.
  4. update PiPy
  5. build, test, install
  6. @rem python build bdist sdist upload