Python Distance Calculator Bing Api facilitator

pip install pybaf==2.0.5


PyPI version

Python Bing API Facilitator

Python Bing API Facilitator is a Python library created to simplify the usage of the bing api for distance between two geographic coordination. The project is on current development and future methods may be implemented


Import the package from Pypi

pip install pybaf


Import the class pybaf from the package

from pybaf import pybaf

Define the bing_api with your Bing key

pybaf = pybaf(key = 'key')

You need to define two dataframes that contain latitude and longitude and their IDs to calculate a Distance Matrix

df_origin = 'Insert the origin dataframe here'
df_destination = 'Insert the origin dataframe here'

The distance_matrix method returns a pd.DataFrame with all cross IDs (origin and destination) with their relative distance(KM) and time(minutes).

Note that you will need to pass the destination_id and origin_id to identify the returning pd.DataFrame

df_matrix = pybaf.distance_matrix(df_destination='', df_origin='', destination_id='', origin_id='',)

The n_smallest method returns the n_smallest value between id_origin the id_destinations

n_smallest_df = pybaf.n_smallest(df_final, n=1,origin_id='', destination_id='',value='')

# default n=1


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.


developed by joaovitorncn