
python interface to capsicum security

capsicum, freebsd, sandbox, capabilities
pip install pycapsicum==0.5



Pycapsicum is a python interface to Capsicum (sandboxing for FreeBSD). It works on FreeBSD10, but not FreeBSD9 (an earlier version supports 9)

I would recommend you understand capsicum in C before using this module, because it's not a simple system to understand.



Quick Demo:

import pycapsicum as p

# get a fileno for /tmp
t = p.opendir('/tmp', 'rw')

#enter capability mode

# create a new CapRights object
a = p.CapRights()

# use openat to open a file in tmp
x = p.openat(t,'foo', 'rw')

# x is a python file object

# get the capabilities on x

# print the capabilites out
print a.caps

# make a new CapRights, set to CAP_READ
b = p.CapRights(['CAP_READ'])

# set those capabilites to x

# get the capabilities from x

# print them out. will be ['CAP_READ']
print a.caps

For details on the specific functions see the man pages for the man pages.


Enter sandboxed mode.


Returns True if in sandboxed mode, False otherwise.


Like sandboxed(), but causes an exception on error.

ioctls_limit(fd, cmdlist)::

Sets ioctl limits on FD. See the manpage for cap_ioctls_limit for
more details.

fd can be a integer, python file, or python socket. Or, and object
a fileno() method


Gets ioctl limits on FD. See the manpage for cap_ioctls_get for
more details.

fd can be a integer, python file, or python socket. Or, and object
a fileno() method

fcntls_limit(fd, rights)::

Sets fcntls limits on FD. See the manpage for cap_fcntls_limit for
more details.

Possible values for right are pycapsicum.CAP_FCNTL_GETFL,
pycapsicum.CAP_FCNTL_SETFL, pycapsicum.CAP_FCNTL_GETOWN,
pycapsicum.CAP_FCNTL_SETOWN, pycapsicum.CAP_FCNTL_ALL, or any set
of flags '|'ed together

fd can be a integer, python file, or python socket. Or, and object
a fileno() method


Gets fcntls limits on FD. See the manpage for cap_fcntls_get for
more details.

fd can be a integer, python file, or python socket. Or, and object
a fileno() method

openat(fd, path, flags)::

Not strictly cap related, openat() allows you to open a file if you
have the fd (int only) of and opened directory.

'flags' is either an integer or 'r','w', or 'rw'

opendir(path, flags):

opendir() allows you to get the FD for a directory (since standard
python doesn't allow you to call open() on a directory)

'flags' is either an integer or 'r','w', or 'rw'

The CapRights() object:

class CapRights(object)::

An Object that encapsulates a cap_rights_t. Represents a set of

__init__(self, caps=None)::

Can be called with optional list of capabilites to initialize with


A list of human readable capabilities set in the CapRights

set(self, caplist):

set a list of capabilities on the object

clear(self, caplist):

clear a list of capabilities from the object

is_set(self, caplist):

return true if the list of capabilities are set


return true if the set of capabilites are valid

merge(self, otherCR):

Merge the capabilities set in otherCR into this CapRights

remove(self, otherCR):

remove the capabilities set in otherCR from this CapRights

contains(self, otherCR):

True if this CapRights has all the capabilities in otherCR

limit(self, fd):

Set the capabilities in this CapRights onto fd (which can be an
int, file object, socket object, or any object with a fileno()

get(self, fd):

Get the capabilities into this CapRights from fd (which can be an
int, file object, socket object, or any object with a fileno()