
helper for creating cash accounts

pip install pycashaccount==0.3.2


Cash Account Helper

You can already take payment information like an address and register a cash account at I really recommend you do.

This CLI and library will help you prepare cash account registrations that you can broadcast yourself.


Requires python3 for now.

pip install pycashaccount

Status / ToDo

It is very basic still. Please file an issue if you have additional use cases for it.

  • OP_RETURN output for electron-cash op_return markdown
  • OP_RETURN hex-like output
  • p2sh output
  • support payment codes
  • generate raw hex output that common node CLIs can use
  • support stealth addresses
  • support lookup of cash accounts

Note about Bip47 payment codes

Bip47 payment codes are very interesting. Please read this introduction to them before using pycashaccount to register a payment code. The payment code itself is non-trivial to generate so pycashaccount lets you create registration info from the xpub as well as the payment code itself. Please be very careful with xpubs. Please make absolutely sure you do not export and start copy-pasting an xpriv.

CLI (command line interface) usage after installation

For example, get the information required for a key hash and script hash accounts:


cashaccount keyhash     name1 "$p2pkh"
cashaccount scripthash  name2 "$p2sh"           --format=opreturn
cashaccount paymentcode name4 from-xpub "$xpub" --format=electron-markdown
cashaccount paymentcode name3 from-code "$paymentcode"


cashaccount payment_type name payment_info [--format]

Get help:

cashaccount --help

cashaccount keyhash --help

CLI usage directly from repository

Same usage as the installed cli, except you can call it from the cli script at the repository root:

./cli --help

Library usage

Look at cashaccount/ for usage.

For example, create a registration from a name and payment information.

from cashaccount import KeyHashInfo, Registration, opreturn

name = 'emergent_reasons'
info = KeyHashInfo('bitcoincash:qrme8l598x49gmjhn92dgwhk5a3znu5wfcf5uf94e9')
registration = Registration(name, info)


Code contributions are welcome:

  • Fork the repository and submit a pull request from your fork.
  • Install test requirements pip install -r requirements-test.txt
  • Update tests to cover any changes
  • Confirm all tests pass before submitting a Pull Request (e.g. pytest --cov-report term-missing --cov=cashaccount test/)

Support donations are also welcome:

  • 🌵emergent_reasons#100 (bitcoincash:qz3aq0uhltztqyjy2esa0lshadg9pf87yu7yealu3a)
  • ☯Jonathan#100 for donations to the cashaccount project (bitcoincash:qr4aadjrpu73d2wxwkxkcrt6gqxgu6a7usxfm96fst)
  • Electron Cash (bottom of the page) The team added a general OP_RETURN feature where you can use the opreturn formatting.