
Colorized console printing and input, ANSI escape codes, and logging functions.

console, terminal, ansi, color, logging
pip install pyco==1.0.0



By Duplexes and LemonPi314

Pyco is a Python package designed to help developers make better command line applications faster. It has cross-platform compatibility for Windows and Linux. There are also numerous small quality of life features that will make your programming easier, such as a built-in error logger, message handler, progress bars, and a massive list of ANSI escape codes.



Use the package manager pip to install Pyco.

pip install pyco


Printing Messages


# Print a message
PrintMessage(message: str, prefix: str, messageColor: Color, prefixColor: Color, colorBrackets: bool, forceLog: bool, sep: str, end: str, flush: bool)

Prefixes are automatically enclosed in square brackets. Certain prefix types like Error and Success are automatically highlighted in the appropriate color. You may override preset colors.


  • message - The message you want to print in the console. Default is ''.
  • prefix - The prefix before the message. Default is 'none'.
  • messageColor - The color of the message. Default is Color.AUTO.
  • prefixColor - The color of the prefix. Default is Color.AUTO.
  • colorBrackets - Specify whether to color the brackets surrounding the prefix or not. Default is False.
  • forceLog - Force the message to be logged in the log file. Default is False.
  • sep - Separator, directly passed to print(). Default is ' '.
  • end - String to print at the end, directly passed to print(). Default is '\n'.
  • flush - Flush the output buffer to show changes immediately, directly passed to print(). Default is False.

User Input


# Prompt for user input
UserInput(prefix: str, prefixColor: Color, inputColor: Color)


  • prefix - The prompt or question before the user's input. Default is ''.
  • prefixColor - The color of the prefix. Default is Color.DEFAULT_PREFIX_COLOR.
  • inputColor - The color of the user's input. Default is Color.DEFAULT_INPUT_COLOR.

Progress Bars


# Create ProgressBar() instance
bar = ProgressBar(total: int, prefix: str, suffix: str, length: int, fill: str, emptyFill: str, decimals: int, end: str, updateIntervalms: int)

# Update the progress bar in a loop
for iteration in range(100):


  • iteration - The iteration of progress bar (how full it is). Default is 0.
  • total - The total number of iterations the progress bar has. Default is 100.
  • prefix - The prefix before the progress bar. Default is ''.
  • suffix - The suffix after the progress bar. Default is ''.
  • length - The number of characters in the progress bar. Default is 100.
  • fill - The character to fill the progress bar with. Default is '█'.
  • emptyFill - The character to fill the empty part of the progress bar with. Default is '-'.
  • decimals - The number of decimals to show in the percent. Default is 1.
  • end - The character(s) to print at the end. Default is '\r'.



# Log a message into a log file
Logger.Log(message: str, prefix: str, prefixBrackets: bool, includeTimestamp: bool)

# Change the log level
Logger.SetLogLevel(level: Levels)

# Clear the log file


  • message - The message of the log entry. Default is ''.
  • prefix - The prefix before the message. Default is ''.
  • includeTimestamp - Add a timestamp to the entry. Default is True.
  • level - Specify a log level from the list below.

Log Levels

  • Logger.Levels.NONE - Dont log any messages.
  • Logger.Levels.ERROR - Log errors.
  • Logger.Levels.WARNING - Log warnings and errors.
  • Logger.Levels.SUCCESS - Log successes, warnings, and errors.
  • Logger.Levels.INFO - Log info, successes, warnings, and errors.
  • Logger.Levels.ALL - Log everything.


You may change these variables at the start of your script.

  • Logger.logPath - Full path of a text file to log entries into. Default is '[current working directory]/logs/log.txt'.
  • Logger.enableMessageLogging - Enable or disable logging of messages. Default is True.
  • Logger.enableInputLogging - Enable or disable logging of user inputs. Default is True.

ANSI Escape Codes

The pyco.ansi class contains ANSI escape codes you can use independently of the PrintMessage() and UserInput() functions.


Functions for modifying the terminal window such as SetTitle() and ScrollDown().


Functions for modifying cursor parameters and position, such as Hide() and Down().


Functions for modifying terminal text through escape codes, such as DeleteChar() and CharSetLineDrawing().


Functions for emulating keypress events in the terminal such as RightArrow() and F10().


Color escape code constants and functions. You can combine constants when using them in PrintMessage() or UserInput, or in other output functions.

PrintMessage("Bright yellow text on a blue background", messageColor=Color.Fore.BRIGHT_YELLOW + Color.Back.BLUE)
print(Color.Style.BOLD + Color.Fore.GREEN + Color.Back.WHITE + "Bold green text on a white background")
4-Bit Colors

The original ANSI escape codes for 16 colors (8 normal and 8 bright) can be found as constants under both Color.Foreground and Color.Background classes.

8-Bit Colors

Most terminals support a palette of 256 colors, accessible with the EightBit() function. For a detailed list of colors see
EightBit() takes one parameter which is the number of the color from 0 to 255.

24-Bit Colors

Some terminals support standard RGB values like (53, 174, 89), accessible with the TwentyFourBit() function.


In addition to colors, there are also style modifiers such as Color.Style.BOLD and Color.Style.UNDERLINE.


The escape code to reset all color and style modifiers is Color.Style.RESET.


If you wish to change the default message, prefix, or input color used in PrintMessage() and UserInput(), you can edit Color.DEFAULT_MESSAGE_COLOR, Color.DEFAULT_PREFIX_COLOR, and Color.DEFAULT_INPUT_COLOR to another combination of color codes accordingly.

Additional Resources

Most of the ANSI escape codes were taken directly from the following websites:


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


MIT License