Generate a random roll from a n-number of an n-sided die.

pip install pydie==0.2.5



Latest Version Downloads

Uses 'quantum' random numbers to generate a result from an n-numbered 'roll' from an n-sided die adding any specified modifiers.


  1. Docopt – Command Line Interface


Install pip? See: How to install Pip.

Then simply:

pip install pydie


You can use this package from the cli or within python.

To use it within python:

import pydie

pydie.roll('1d3', '2d6', '3d12+2')

# should return something like:
# [
#   {
#     'raw': [1],
#     'modifiers': [],
#     'multiplier': '1',
#     'die': '3',
#     'rolls': [1],
#     'argv': '1d3'
#   },
#   {
#     'raw': [1, 1],
#     'modifiers': [],
#     'multiplier': '2',
#     'die': '6',
#     'rolls': [1, 1],
#     'argv': '2d6'
#   },
#   {
#     'raw': [1, 12, 5],
#     'modifiers': ['+2'],
#     'multiplier': '3',
#     'die': '12',
#     'rolls': [3, 14, 7],
#     'argv': '3d12+2'
#   }
# ]

Current cli usage pattern:

    pydie roll [-r|--result-info] <roll>...
    pydie (-v | --version)
    pydie (-h | --help)

        Generate a random n-sided for n-die roles.

        roll  Roll any kind of die to receive a randomized dice roll.
              - Roll command format {multiplier}{die}[{modifiers}...]...
              - Multipler is required, min 1; 0 will cause error
              - "+", plus, or "-", minus, is required before each modifier

        pydie roll 1d3               (single roll no mods)
        pydie roll 2d4+1             (single roll mod)
        pydie roll 3d6-1+3           (single roll with multi-mods)
        pydie roll 4d8+2 5d12+1-2+3  (multi roll, separated with a space)

        -r --result-info    Display full result information (optional)
        -v --version        Display the version number
        -h --help           Display this screen


"Goddamnit! I rolled a 1 again!"

Unsatisfied with an implementation of a 'random' die rolling bit of an online Dungeons & Dragons service I decided to roll my own. (pun intended)

I wondered, "How can I get truly random numbers?" While the respective random module is well endowed and probably good enough, what's the point if I simply type random and call it a day? Besides, I know that computer generated random numbers are really only pseudorandom numbers anyway and that just makes me feel dirty inside. Unacceptable!

No, to truly achieve greatness I'll need numbers as random as I can get. But how?! Well I'll tell you how. Introducing the ANU Quantum Random Number Server. Here's a bit from their homepage:

Welcome to the ANU Quantum Random Numbers Server

This website offers true random numbers to anyone on the internet. The random numbers are generated in real-time in our lab by measuring the quantum fluctuations of the vacuum. … By carefully measuring these fluctuations, we are able to generate ultra-high bandwidth random numbers.

Eureka! Now that I have random numbers, all I needed was to employ a bit of docopt [read: amazing] magic, some dogey math and I'll have a niftly (likely useless) little commandline tool!

Other Projects


Ok, full-disclosure, I majored in something other than math and probability is hard. So instead, I borrowed this example from ANU's Site.

Put N balls into a bag numbered between Minimum number and Maximum number. Mix the balls thoroughly. Pick out one ball and write down its number. Repeat the process m times (either with replacement or without replacement).


Through completely unscientific means I have judged this technique acceptable.



  • Removed "m" from roll argv
  • Added better cli errors


  • Fixed bug in version util that was breaking install
  • Added docstrings


  • Added a more convenient "roll" method for use in python


  • Refactored roll handling out of


  • Major refactor
  • Added multiroll
  • Simplified roll argv