A Discord bot providing ADM summaries.

bot, discord, eve, python
pip install pydisadm==1.0.5



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This is a discord bot which will collect alliance system ADM's daily and provide commands to display them in a convenient tier list.

⚡ Quick Start

From PyPI

# 1. Set up environment (pick option)

# 1.1 With exported variables:
export DISCORD_TOKEN=your-token-here
export DISCORD_CHANNEL=your-channel-here
export DISCORD_GUILD_ID=your-guild-id
export DISCORD_APP_ID=your-app-id-here
export ALLIANCE_ID=your-alliance-id-here
export DB_SERVICE=sqlite
export DB_CONNECTION_STRING=adm-data.sqlite

# 1.2 With .env file:
cp .env.example .env

# 2. Install package from PyPI
pip install pydisadm

# 3. Run Bot
python -m pydisadm

From source

# 1. Clone repository
git clone https://github.com/agelito/adm-bot
cd adm-bot

# 2. Copy and edit .env
cp .env.example .env

# 3. Install dependencies
poetry install

# 4. Run bot
poetry run python pydisadm/__main__.py

📃 Commands

  • /adm summary - send a summary of ADM's
  • /adm csv - send a csv of ADM's
  • /adm history <name> - send a graph showing system, constellation, or region ADM over time
  • /adm update <system> - manually update ADM for system
  • /adm recommend - recommend a system to raise ADM in


  • /adm refresh - manually refresh the data
  • !adm_sync_commands - synchronise the interactive discord commands (only required once)

🔧 Configuration

Configuration is done using environment variables or dotenv. See .env.example for example configuration.

  • DISCORD_TOKEN - the token bot should use when communicating with discord.
  • DISCORD_CHANNEL - the channel name bot should listen too, if this is empty the bot will listen to all channels.
  • DISCORD_GUILD_ID - the discord server bot should be part of
  • DISCORD_APP_ID - the bot application ID
  • ALLIANCE_ID - the alliance ID for collecting ADM values, only systems owned by this alliance will be collected.
  • ALLIANCE_IGNORE_TCU - set to any value to ignore TCU's when collecting ADM values
  • DB_SERVICE - which database to use, can be: sqlite or mysql
  • DB_CONNECTION_STRING - the connection string
  • DB_KEEP_ADM_DAYS - how many days adm history should be kept in database (default 7).


  • sqlite - adm-data.sqlite a file name
  • mysql - root:root@ - a connection string (user:password@host:port/database). See mysqlclient for more information

🔍 Caveats

  • The ADM data from ESI is only updated once a day, so refreshing more often than that is not necessary.
  • The database will continue to fill up with historic entries, manually inspect size and purge older entries if it's too big.

🚧 Development


The development environment and dependencies is managed using poetry. Use the following command to set up environment and install dependencies:

poetry install

A nested poetry shell can be started using this command:

poetry shell

Run Linting

pylint --rcfile pylint.rc pydisadm/**/*.py

Run Unit Tests

pytest tests/ --cov=pydisadm --cov-branch

💡 Credits

Project is forked from and inspired by @anjode