
A python implementation of a Sudoku solver.

python, sudoku-solver
pip install pydoku==0.1.1



Build Status Python

Sudoku is a mathematical game, where one looks to completely fill a board with numbers, where no values are repeated in any given row, column, square or square. You can read more about this game on Wikipedia. The most common variant uses a 9x9 grid segmented into nine 3x3 squares, with 9 rows and 9 columns. However, the difficulty of the game can be adjusted by changing the size of the board. For instance, you can play an easier game in a 6x6 board where each square has 3 columns and 2 rows.

This package looks to expose the ability to solve sudoku puzzles with squares of any dimension (given a powerful enough machine!)


Minimum supported version of Python: 3.5

Easily install this package using pip!

pip install pydoku


Solving a default board with a couple of values inserted:

import pydoku

subject = pydoku.Board()
subject[0][3] = 6
subject[0][1] = 1

# Output:
# -------------------------
# | 2 1 3 | 6 4 5 | 7 8 9 |
# | 4 5 6 | 7 8 9 | 1 2 3 |
# | 7 8 9 | 1 2 3 | 4 5 6 |
# -------------------------
# | 1 2 4 | 3 5 6 | 8 9 7 |
# | 3 6 5 | 8 9 7 | 2 1 4 |
# | 8 9 7 | 2 1 4 | 3 6 5 |
# -------------------------
# | 5 3 1 | 4 6 2 | 9 7 8 |
# | 6 4 2 | 9 7 8 | 5 3 1 |
# | 9 7 8 | 5 3 1 | 6 4 2 |
# -------------------------


Contributions welcome, if not well monitored. Feel free to send PRs, file issues, etc.


This library is available under the MIT license, the full text can be found here. Basically though, go use it however and for whatever you want, just understand that I'm not liable for issues you encounter.