A simple terminal TODO app written in Python 3.

python3, terminal-based, todo-list, todolist
pip install pydolist==0.4.0



A simple TODO app written in Python 3.

Getting Started

For development and testing, fork this repository. No special python packages or modules are needed. To run PyDo, first follow the installation instructions, then do:


# for help, run this
pydo -h


All you will need to run PyDo is Python 3.


As the description says, PyDo is very simple. Currently, the features are:

  • task storage in JSON format in ~/.local/pydo/todo.json
  • optional config file in ~/.local/pydo/pydo.ini
  • option to specify a different file to use to store lists at runtime (-f option)
  • option to specify a different file to use as a config file at runtime (-c option)
  • very simple curses interface; runs forever with prompt (see screenshots)
  • show completion status of a task, in case a task is done but you don't want to delete it yet

Config file format

The configuration file should be placed in ~/.local/pydo/pydo.ini (or another location that is specified at runtime with the -c option) with the following format:

dest = user@serverip:/path/to/file.json

The program will retrieve this file upon startup if it exists, and send the local file to this destination if one is specified and the config file exists, all using scp. In order for this to work, it is required that you set up ssh key authentication with that server so as to not prompt a password input.

If you want this to work between multiple instances, you should make sure the config file is the same on all those instances.


  • TODO.txt support
  • Dropbox support
  • synced instances of TODO lists (probably need some sort of server)
    • Syncs the entire TODO list file to a destination specified in a config file
  • email reminders about tasks
  • switch interface to be entirely curses-based (started on branch curses)
  • (extra wishlist) scan project source files for TODO comments and add them to the list


# Installing system-wide with pip3:
sudo pip3 install pydolist

# Installing for your user:
pip3 install --user pydolist
# then add $HOME/.local/bin to your path

Manual Installation

Clone or download this repository then run:

# for system-wide use:
sudo pip3 install .

# user-only:
pip3 install --user .
# then add $HOME/.local/bin to your path


Listing all tasks



Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on submitting pull requests and issues.


  • Connor Ruggles


This project is licensed under the GNU GPLv3.0 OR ANY LATER VERSION - see LICENSE.md for details.