
An EBNF compiler

pip install pyebnf==0.1.3



Py-EBNF is a simple EBNF parser compiler. It can read source code written in a dialect of EBNF and output a parser that can generate a parse tree from conforming input.

Usage (CLI):

python3 -m pyebnf.compiler source

The output will need to have pyebnf in its import path, as the Parser will use primitives and a ParserBase defined in pyebnf.

I built this library based on the information at wikipedia on the subject. I used this project as a learning exercise, and therefore decided not to do much research on EBNF compiler creation.


The primitives for this EBNF parser will not work properly with head recursion. E.G. a rule like:

expression = number
           | expression , operator , number ;

Would result in infinite recursion. However, a rule like:

expression = number
           | number , operator , expression ;

Will work just fine.


pyebnf implements a dialect of EBNF very similar to that presented in the wikipedia article. The one major distinction is I've implemented two concatenation operators: , and .. , is a whitespace-ignoring concatenation operator, it will consume all whitespace at the beginning of the source portion it is working on. . on the other hand will no automatically consume whitespace and leaves that to the included rules. I added this because ignoring whitespace is such a common thing in so many programming languages that it would require a really messy grammar definition if whitespace weren't ignored. The initial implementation ignored all whitespace in a different way that was not controllable from the source level. This alternative has worked much better.

Py-EBNF is self-hosting. I initially hand-wrote a parser to understand EBNF, and then used that parser to generate a parser from an EBNF EBNF. You can see the full grammar that generated the parser here.


Operator Associativity Precedence Description
= Left 1 Assignment
| Left 2 Alternation
. Left 3 Concatenation
, Left 4 Whitespace-ignoring concatenation
  •    | Left          | 5          | Exclusion
  •    | Left          | 6          | Repetition (exact count)
  •    | Left          | 7          | Repeat (once or more)


pyebnf recognizes several directives that will control the source code that is generated.

Directives are lines in comments (* ... *) that start with ! and take the format ! name key1=value1 key2=value2 .... Directives are split on whitespace.

All directives are optional and just serve to override default behavior. Recognized directives:

Name N Description Arg Name Arg Description
rule * Controls rule output name The name of the targeted rule.
" " " transform How to alter the output. The valid arguments are: retype, compress and identity. Retype just changes the type of the generated node. Compress pulls all the descendants together so that the resulting node contains just a single string value. Identity leaves the node unchanged. The default is retype.
" " " to_type When a node is retyped or compressed you can change its type. By default the type is TokenType.{rule_name}, but you can make it whatever text you want with the to_type parameter.
parse_base ? Base class for parser value The base class name. Defaults to PB.ParserBase where PB is pyebnf.parser_base.
entry_point ? Set custom entry point for parser value The name of the rule to serve as the entry point for Parser.parse. By default, it is the first rule name encountered.
import * Custom imports to parser source value Literal import text.

In this table N is the number of times the directive should appear. * means "zero or more", + means "one or more", ? means "zero or one".

Example directives:

#! parser_base value=MyParserBase
#! import value=from\ mylib.ParserBase\ import\ MyParserBase
#! entry_point value=program

#! rule name=program transform=retype
#! rule name=identifier transform=compress

Special Handling

EBNF defines a group of ? ... ? as "Special Handling" meaning that the contents are specially interpreted by the underlying code. PyEBNF expects the contents of a special handling to be an identifier, and will handle in one of two ways. If the identifier is one of: get_ascii_letter, get_ascii_lowercase, get_ascii_uppercase, get_digit, get_hexdigit, get_octdigit, get_printable, get_punctuation, get_whitespace the handler will be the function by the same name defined in pyebnf.parser_base. These are short cuts for common character classes.

If the identifier is not one of those, it will be interpreted as a function name on the parser, and will need to be implemented by you.