
Send error reports and other messages to a central server you control.

pip install pyerrorreport==0.4


Send error reports and other messages to a central server you control.

Create a Reporter object with your server address and the TCP port the server is running on (1234 by default) and use it's .send() method to send a dict, made from .send()'s keyword args, to the server.

Launch the server with

$ python -m error_report --hostname HOSTNAME --port PORT --keys KEYS

Default port is 1234.

Server reads a configuration JSON file at


Populate the json file with hostname, port, and keys.

keys is a list of the keys of values the server will read out of the report dict to place the report in a directory.

I.e. if group_by_keys is ['userid', 'operation'] and the client sends {userid : "blabla", operation : "foobar", xyzzy : "plugh"} then the report will be saved in

[working directory]/reports/blabla/foobar/...