
A package to add inputs that work with pygame

pip install pygameinputs==0.0.1


pygame inputs

a python library used to create input boxes and buttons in pygame for a GUI

This is a free open source python library. Please read the license before editing or sharing online


  • To use the package use the pip install pygameinputs command

How to use:

To get started ensure you have pygame. If you don't use: pip install pygame to get started.

I recommend an IDE when designing an app but is not required.

button creation

Import the button scripts: from PygameInputs.Button import Button this line will import the button module from the Pygame Inputs library

To create a button firstly give it an identifier, in this case I am going to give mine an identifier of startGame.

The button has a blueprint and will work straight away without editing any of its attributes however it can be fully customised.

startGame = Button()

Input box creation

Import the input box scripts: from PygameInputs.TextBox import TextBox this line will import the textbox module form the Pygame Inputs library

To create a textbox firstly give it an identifier, in this case I am going to give mine an identifier of searchBar.

The textbox has a blueprint and will work straight away without editing any of its attributes however it can be fully customised.

searchBar = TextBox()

Label creation

Import the label scripts: from pygameinputs.Label import Label this line will import the label module from the Pygame Inputs library

To create a label firstly give it an identifier, in this case I am going to give mine an identifier of myLabel.

The label has a blueprint and will work straight away without editing any of its attributes however it can be fully customised.

myLabel = Label()

Slider creation

Import the slider scripts: from pygameinputs.Sliders import HorizontalSlider, VerticalSlider this line will import the slider module from the pygame inputs library

To create a slider firstly give it an identifier. In this case I am goting to give mine and idetifier of myHorizontalSlider.

The slider has a blueprint and will work straight away without editing any of its attributes however it can be fully customised

myHorizontalSlider = HorizontalSlider()

for a vertical slider replace HorizontalSlider() with VerticalSlider()


Version 0.0.1

Initial release for the alpha of the library

Version 0.0.2

Updated some documentation and added extra information to PyPi.

Version 0.0.3

Fixed a bug with the border width property overwriting the background when set to 0

Version 0.0.4

  • Added typing indicator
  • Added built in event handling within the button and textbox

Version 0.0.5

  • Added text labels

Version 0.0.6

  • Added vertical and horizontal sliders
  • Added hyperlink functionality within buttons to open apps and urls

Version 0.1

  • Minor bug fix - centre handles on sliders
  • Fixed buttons not loading ttf files
  • Major bug fix - fixed flickering cursors (read documentation to ensure your cursors are fixed)
  • Added image buttons

Version 0.1.1

  • Added a hover state to the image buttons
  • Fixed a bug with buttons still checking the hover state when not visible

Version 0.1.2

  • Fixed a bug with buttons not changing their hover state to False when hidden

Future updates:

  • Bug fixes
  • Your reccomendations (read the paragraph below how to submit a feature request)

If you have any reccomendations or would like to contribute please visit the GitHub and make an issue with the enhancement label


This library is not associated with pygame, it just uses their library to add input functionality