Provides a HTTP Server which can be used to intercept and modify API requests/responses for local clients. This is useful for client testing where generating different response types from the API is not always ideal.

pip install pyhttpintercept==0.34.0



Provides a HTTP Server which can be used to intercept and modify API requests/responses for local clients.

This is useful for client testing where generating different response types from the API is not always ideal.

The HTTP server provides the following functionality:

  • Hosting of sites
  • Redirecting requests with the following methods:
    • HTTP 3xx statuses
    • transparently to the client
  • Intercepting and modifying of requests. Man-in-the-middle, useful for client testing against a production API.
  • Proxying of requests

When a request comes in methods are checked & executed in the following order:

  1. Redirect
  2. Hosting
  3. Intercept - Intercept will only be reached if request is not picked up by hosting.
  4. Proxy - Proxy configuration will only be reached if request is not picked up by Hosting or Intercept.

Hosting requests

Sites can be hosted as with any webserver. The server supports static sites/resources only.

Hosting configuration

An example configuration file:

  "/": {
    "doc_root": "default_sites/",
    "active": true,
    "description": "Root Site"
  "/example": {
    "doc_root": "default_sites/example/",
    "active": true,
    "description": "Example Site"

A configured site configurations key will be set to the expected url path.

Site configuration parameters:

  • Object key: String - Path where site will be hosted.
  • doc_root: String - The full path to the configured site. A relative path can also be configured and is explained below.
  • active: Boolean - True if the site is to be served.
  • description: String - [optional] A description for your site.

Relative paths


Redirecting requests

Sending HTTP 3xx statuses

These are your standard redirects.

Transparently to the client

These are useful for clients that do not support redirects.

An example use would be redirecting a client with hard coded endpoints to a lab environemnt for testing without having to generate & install specific builds for the lab.

Redirect configuration


  • Object key: String - Domain to redirect.
  • host: String - [optional] The full domain to redirect to.
  • paths: Object - [optional] An object containing the paths being redirected for this domain.
  • active: Boolean - True to enable redirect.
  • description: String - [optional] A description for your redirect.

Note: at least one of host or paths must be specified!

Path object:

  • Object key: String - Path to redirect.
  • host: String - [optional] The full domain to redirect to.
  • path: String - [optional] The full path to redirect to. If omitted then the path will be set to domain root.
  • status: Number - [optional] The HTTP 3xx status to send. Specifying this parameter tells the server to use a HTTP 3xx redirect rather than redirecting transparently.
  • active: Boolean - True to enable redirect.
  • description: String - [optional] A description for your redirect.

Note: at least one of path or host (from either site/path config) must be specified!

If a host is specifed in the key it will only by honoured when intercepting or proxying, for anything else the keys will be ignored.

Redirecting paths within the same site:

  "": {
    "paths": {
      "/example_redirect": {
        "path": "/temp_path",
        "active": true,
    "active": true,

Redirecting paths within the same site using a HTTP 3xx redirect:

  "": {
    "paths": {
      "/example_redirect": {
        "path": "/temp_path",
        "status": 301,
        "active": true,
    "active": true,

Redirecting paths from one site to another:

  "": {
    "host": "",
    "paths": {
      "/example_redirect": {
        "path": "/",
        "active": true,
    "active": true,

This can also be done on a path by path basis:

  "": {
    "paths": {
      "host": "",
      "/example_redirect": {
        "path": "/",
        "active": true,
      "/example_redirect2": {
        "host": "",
        "path": "/",
        "active": true,
    "active": true,

If a host is configured for a path it takes precedence over the site redirect host.

Redirecting one domain to another:

  "": {
    "host": "",
    "active": true,

This applies to all paths for the domain.

Intercepting requests

Intercept configuration


  • Object key: String - Domain to Intercept.
  • active: Boolean - True to enable proxy.
  • description: String - [optional] A description for your proxy.

An example configuration file:

  "": {
    "active": true,
    "description": "Intercept & modify"

Proxying requests


  • Object key: String - Domain to proxy.
  • active: Boolean - True to enable proxy.
  • description: String - [optional] A description for your proxy.

Proxy can be configured to either proxy all requests:

  "*": {
    "active": true,
    "description": "Proxy All"

or specific domains only:

  "": {
    "active": true,
    "description": "Proxy"


The '*' character can be used as a wildcard.

Domain wildcards

* will handle requests for all subdomains, but not * will handle requests for all subdomains, including

In the following example the first configuration will only proxy requests for While the second configuration \* will proxy all subdomains but not

  "": {
    "active": true,
    "description": "Proxy"
  "*": {
    "active": true,
    "description": "Proxy subdomains of"

This snippet can be simplified to:

  "*": {
    "active": true,
    "description": "Proxy and all subdomains"

Path wildcards (Only available for redirects)

/testing/* will redirect all requests for path /testing including sub paths i.e /testing/path_a

In the following example and all sub paths will be redirected to

  "": {
    "paths": {
      "/example_redirect/*": {
        "path": "/temp_path",
        "active": true,
    "active": true,