
pykmssig is a utility for signing and verifying files on AWS using the Key Management Service

pip install pykmssig==0.0.8



A python library inspired by

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Why pykmssig?

Sometimes you need to validate a message passing multiple AWS accounts and services has not been tampered with in transit.

Let's say we have three AWS accounts Account A, Account B, and Account C.

Account A wants to publish messages to a Kinesis stream in Account B. Account B runs the Kinesis stream and some light data validation but does not modify the data.

Account C is a high security account and only allows Account B put access to a single dynamo table. In the event account B is compromised how does account C guarantee the integrity of the messages in transit?

Answer : pykmssig

pykmssig allows the owners of Account A to sign and encrypt a signature against a KMS key let's call it kms-key-alpha in order to do this kms-key-alpha needs to allow Account owner A the ability to encrypt messages. This encrypts the signature data. A second key kms-key-beta can be used to provide data at rest protection. Account A, B, and C can all be allowed decrypt for kms-key-beta but only Account C should be allowed to decrypt using kms-key-alpha to verify the message was not tampered with in transit.


git clone
pip install -r requirements.txt
python install

Setting up your environment

This looks for the environment variable SIGNING_KEY_ALIAS this should be a precreated alias for the KMS key you'd like to use to sign. If you've used the provided cloudformation stack template you need not change this.


# Signing a payload
from pykmssig import crypto

o = crypto.Operation()

result = o.sign(plaintext={'foo': 'bar'})

# The result of this operation will be ciphertext.

Verifying the payload:

# Verification

from pykmssig import crypto

o = crypto.Operation()

result = o.verify(
    plaintext={'foo': 'bar'}

"""Result returns a dictionary that looks as follows.""""
    'status': 'valid',
    'sig_b': b'U05jVK2Ewp286h3Ksr6Cc2GWMQT+9dG3Pxt0Wb5VEoPWGzTPfcNWxGFb5LHa9zyDs4rqUDc7kgzbXPKrRXCgmQ==',
    'sig_a': b'U05jVK2Ewp286h3Ksr6Cc2GWMQT+9dG3Pxt0Wb5VEoPWGzTPfcNWxGFb5LHa9zyDs4rqUDc7kgzbXPKrRXCgmQ=='