
Command line tool to create a MailChimp template for PyLadies chapters

pyladies, email, digest, mailchimp
pip install pyladies-digest==0.31



Python project to scrape data from MeetUp and Lanyard for generating a MailChimp template for a PyLadies email digest.

To use will need to first setup config with API keys:

pyladies-digest --option config --meetup_key very_secret --mailchimp_key much_more_secret

To scrape MeetUp for events in a location, need to provide a category and text to look for in an event's description.

pyladies-digest --option scrape_events --location Chicago --text python --category 34

To scrape Lanyard for upcoming conferences and conference CFPs you can provide a query for both conference topics and conference calls.

pyladies-digest --option scrape_confs --calls python --topic python

To generate and post a template to MailChimp will need to provide a month, year. By default an email digest will include the following categories - career, conference, events, miscellaneous, and volunteer. If you want to update the data (notes on data format below) used in the digest, provide a location of the new data file for the respective type (e.g. --career /Users/lm/desktop/career.csv).

pyladies-digest --option template --template-name feb_digest --month Feb. --year 2016 --city Chicago --fb
pyladies-digest --option template --template-name feb_digest --month Feb. --year 2016 --city Chicago --data career conferences --fb --tw
pyladies-digest --option template --template-name feb_digest --month Feb. --year 2016 --city Chicago --career /Users/lm/desktop/career.csv --misc /Users/lm/desktop/misceallaneous.csv --volunteer /Users/lm/desktop/volunteer.csv

Data Format

Career: title,description,contact_url,contact_text Conferences: date,name,location,url,cfp,cfp_url,cfp_deadline,fa,fa_url,fa_deadline Events: date,event_url,group,name Miscellaneous: text,contact_url,contact_text Volunteer: text,contact_url,contact_text