
Testcase description management tools.

pip install pylatest==0.1.1



Pylatest project consists of set of Docutils/Sphinx extensions which allows you to:

  • Write a description of a test case using reStructuredText syntax.
  • Maintain test case descriptions as Sphinx project.
  • Include this description into a python source code directly, where it can be split into individual sections or actions to be performed, so that the description and test automation code are stored next to each other.

The reason behind this is to make synchronization between test case code and test case description documents simple while keeping the maintenance cost low in the long term.

Using Pylatest

The main way to use Pylatest is via Sphinx project. See Pylatest Documentation for Quickstart Tutorial and additional details.


To get better idea what pylatest project looks like, see minimal, but complete, Pylatest Demo Project. The html builds are available at

Development and testing

For instructions how to install Pylatest from source code or how to run unit test, see HACKING.rst file.

Contributions are welcome. See CONTRIBUTING.rst file for details.


Distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL v3.0 license, pylatest is free and open source software.