pylcc is short for python libbpf compile collections

linux, kernel, trace, bpf, ebpf, ftrace, libbpf, profile, tracing
pip install pylcc==0.2.1




​ surftrace是一个ftrace的自动封装器和开发编译平台,既能让用户基于libbpf快速构建工程进行开发,也能作为ftrace的封装器进行trace命令编写。项目包含surftrace工具集和pylcc、glcc(python or generic C language for libbpf Compiler Collection),提供远程和本地eBPF的编译能力。



​ ftrace是一个内核中的追踪器,用于帮助系统开发者或设计者查看内核运行情况,它可以被用来调试或者分析延迟/性能等常见问题。早期 ftrace 是一个 function tracer,仅能够记录内核的函数调用流程。如今ftrace已经成为一个开发框架,从2.6内核开始引入,是一套公认安全、可靠、高效的内核数据获取方式。

​ ftrace对使用者的要求比较高,以对内核符号 wake_up_new_task 进行trace,同时要获取入参(struct task_struct *)->comm 成员信息为例,启动配置需要经历三个步骤:

echo 'p:f0 wake_up_new_task comm=+0x678(%di):string' >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/kprobe_events
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/kprobes/f0/enable
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on

​ 要想停止需要继续配置如下:

echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/kprobes/f0/enable
echo -:f0 >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/kprobe_events
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on

​ 一共需要六个步骤。其中,最困难的是第一个参数解析步骤。通常情况下,需要使用gdb 加载对应内核vmlinux, 对 struct task_struct 结构体中 comm成员进行偏移计算。上述方法如果不经常使用,重新手工操作的时间成本非常高,导致真正直接采用ftrace对内核信息进行采集的案例非常少,相关资料文献也匮乏。


​ surftrace的主要目标是为了降低内核trace难度,达到快速高效获取内核信息目标。综合来说要达到以下效果:

    1. 一键trace内核符号,并获取指定内核数据;
    1. 除了C和linux 操作系统内核,用户无需新增学习掌握其它知识点(需要获取数据进行二次处理除外);
    1. 覆盖大部分主流发行版内核;
    1. 类似bcc开发模式,达到libbpf最佳资源消耗;

2、surftrace 命令使用

​ 使用surftrace,需要满足以下条件:

    1. 公开发行版linux内核,支持目录清单参考: (持续更新)
    1. 内核支持ftrace,已配置了debugfs,root权限;
    1. Python2 >= 2.7; Python3 >= 3.5,已安装pip;

​ surftrace支持 remote(默认),local和gdb三种表达式解析器,要求分别如下:

    1. remote mode:可以访问
    1. local mode:从 下载对应arch和内核的下载到本地
    1. gdb mode:gdb version > 8.0,存放有对应内核的vmlinux;对于gdb模式而言,不受公开发行版内核限制(性能太弱,已经不再推荐)


​ 我们以龙蜥 4.19.91-24.8.an8.x86_64内核为例,需要root用户,执行以下命令进行安装:

pip3 install surftrace
Collecting surftrace
Building wheels for collected packages: surftrace
  Running bdist_wheel for surftrace ... done
  Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/cf/28/93/187f359be189bf0bf4a70197c53519c6ca54ffb957bcbebf5a
Successfully built surftrace
Installing collected packages: surftrace
Successfully installed surftrace-0.2

 0.6以上(含)的版本采用https流的方式与服务器传输数据,低于0.6版本采用tcp 流传输。后者服务将从2023年12月31号起后下线。

​ 检查安装是否成功

surftrace --help
usage: surftrace [-h] [-v VMLINUX] [-m MODE] [-d DB] [-r RIP] [-f FILE]
                 [-g GDB] [-F FUNC] [-o OUTPUT] [-l LINE] [-a ARCH] [-s] [-S]
                 [traces [traces ...]]

Trace ftrace kprobe events.

positional arguments:
  traces                set trace args.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v VMLINUX, --vmlinux VMLINUX
                        set vmlinux path.
  -m MODE, --mode MODE  set arg parser, fro
  -d DB, --db DB        set local db path.
  -r RIP, --rip RIP     set remote server ip, remote mode only.
  -f FILE, --file FILE  set input args path.
  -g GDB, --gdb GDB     set gdb exe file path.
  -F FUNC, --func FUNC  disasassemble function.
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        set output bash file
  -l LINE, --line LINE  get file disasemble info
  -a ARCH, --arch ARCH  set architecture.
  -s, --stack           show call stacks.
  -S, --show            only show expressions.



​ 接下来我们以 以下两个常用内核符号为例,它的原型定义如下:

void wake_up_new_task(struct task_struct *p);
struct file *do_filp_open(int dfd, struct filename *pathname, const struct open_flags *op);


  • 命令:surftrace 'p wake_up_new_task' 'r wake_up_new_task'
surftrace 'p wake_up_new_task' 'r wake_up_new_task'
echo 'p:f0 wake_up_new_task' >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/kprobe_events
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/kprobes/f0/enable
echo 'r:f1 wake_up_new_task' >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/kprobe_events
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/kprobes/f1/enable
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/options/stacktrace
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on
 surftrace-2336  [001] ....  1447.877666: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x280)
 surftrace-2336  [001] d...  1447.877670: f1: (_do_fork+0x153/0x3d0 <- wake_up_new_task)

​ 示例中入参有两个表达式,所有表达式要用单引号括起来。

  • 'p wake_up_new_task':p表示表示probe函数入口;
  • 'r wake_up_new_task':r表示probe函数返回位置;

​ 后面的wake_up_new_task是要trace的函数符号,这个符号必须要在tracing/available_filter_functions 中可以找到的。


​ 要获取 do_filp_open 函数 第一个入参dfd,它的数据类型是:int。

​- 命令:surftrace 'p do_filp_open dfd=%0'

surftrace 'p do_filp_open dfd=%0'
echo 'p:f0 do_filp_open dfd=%di:u32' >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/kprobe_events
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/kprobes/f0/enable
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/options/stacktrace
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on
 surftrace-2435  [001] ....  2717.606277: f0: (do_filp_open+0x0/0x100) dfd=4294967196
 AliYunDun-1812  [000] ....  2717.655955: f0: (do_filp_open+0x0/0x100) dfd=4294967196
 AliYunDun-1812  [000] ....  2717.856227: f0: (do_filp_open+0x0/0x100) dfd=4294967196
  • dfd是自定义变量,可以自行定义,名字不冲突即可
  • %0表示第一个入参,%1表示第二个……

​ 前面打印中,dfd是按照十进制显示的,可能没有十六进制那么直观,指定十六进制的方法:

​ 命令:surftrace 'p do_filp_open dfd=X%0'

surftrace 'p do_filp_open dfd=X%0'
echo 'p:f0 do_filp_open dfd=%di:x32' >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/kprobe_events
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/kprobes/f0/enable
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/options/stacktrace
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on
 surftrace-2459  [000] ....  3137.167885: f0: (do_filp_open+0x0/0x100) dfd=0xffffff9c
 AliYunDun-1812  [001] ....  3137.171997: f0: (do_filp_open+0x0/0x100) dfd=0xffffff9c
 AliYunDun-1826  [001] ....  3137.201401: f0: (do_filp_open+0x0/0x100) dfd=0xffffff9c

​ 传参编号%前面使用了X进制类型标识符,共有SUX三种类型,分别对应有符号十进制、无符号十进制和十六进制,不指定默认为U类型。


​ wake_up_new_task入参类型为struct task_struct *,如果要获取入参中comm成员,即任务名,

​- 命令:surftrace 'p wake_up_new_task comm=%0->comm'

surftrace 'p wake_up_new_task comm=%0->comm'
echo 'p:f0 wake_up_new_task comm=+0xae0(%di):string' >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/kprobe_events
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/kprobes/f0/enable
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/options/stacktrace
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on
 surftrace-2421  [000] ....  2368.261019: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x280) comm="surftrace"
 bash-2392  [001] ....  2375.809655: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x280) comm="bash"
 bash-2392  [001] ....  2379.038534: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x280) comm="bash"
 bash-2392  [000] ....  2381.237443: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x280) comm="bash"

​ 方法和C语言获取结构体成员方法一样。

​ 结构体类型可以级联访问:

 surftrace 'p wake_up_new_task uesrs=S%0->mm->mm_users'
echo 'p:f0 wake_up_new_task uesrs=+0x58(+0x850(%di)):s32' >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/kprobe_events
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/kprobes/f0/enable
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/options/stacktrace
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on
 surftrace-2471  [001] ....  3965.234680: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x280) uesrs=2
 bash-2392  [000] ....  3970.094475: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x280) uesrs=1
 bash-2392  [000] ....  3971.954463: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x280) uesrs=1
surftrace 'p wake_up_new_task node=%0->se.run_node.rb_left'
echo 'p:f0 wake_up_new_task node=+0xa8(%di):u64' >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/kprobe_events
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/kprobes/f0/enable
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/options/stacktrace
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on
 surftrace-2543  [001] ....  5926.605145: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x280) node=0
 bash-2392  [001] ....  5940.292293: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x280) node=0
 bash-2392  [001] ....  5945.207106: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x280) node=0
 systemd-journal-553   [000] ....  5953.211998: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x280) node=0


​ 过滤器需要放在表达式最后,以f:开头,可以使用括号和&& ||逻辑表达式进行组合,具体写法可以参考ftrace文档说明

​ 命令行 surftrace 'p wake_up_new_task comm=%0->comm f:comm=="python3"'

surftrace 'p wake_up_new_task comm=%0->comm f:comm=="python3"'
echo 'p:f0 wake_up_new_task comm=+0xb28(%di):string' >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/kprobe_events
echo 'comm=="python3"' > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/kprobes/f0/filter
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/kprobes/f0/enable
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/options/stacktrace
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on
 <...>-2640781 [002] .... 6305734.444913: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x250) comm="python3"
 <...>-2640781 [002] .... 6305734.447806: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x250) comm="python3"
 <...>-2640781 [002] .... 6305734.450897: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x250) comm="python3"

 系统会默认提供 'common_pid', 'common_preempt_count', 'common_flags', 'common_type' 这5个变量作为过滤器,该变量由系统提供,无需额外定义。


​ 函数内部追踪需要结合函数内部汇编代码进行推导,该方法并不通用,该内容操作进供参考。反汇编do_filp_open函数

3699	in fs/namei.c
   0xffffffff812adb65 <+85>:	mov    %r13d,%edx
   0xffffffff812adb70 <+96>:	or     $0x40,%edx
   0xffffffff812adb73 <+99>:	mov    %r12,%rsi
   0xffffffff812adb76 <+102>:	mov    %rsp,%rdi
   0xffffffff812adb89 <+121>:	callq  0xffffffff812ac760 <path_openat>
   0xffffffff812adb92 <+130>:	mov    %rax,%rbx

3700	in fs/namei.c
   0xffffffff812adb8e <+126>:	cmp    $0xfffffffffffffff6,%rax
   0xffffffff812adb95 <+133>:	je     0xffffffff812adbb4 <do_filp_open+164>

3701	in fs/namei.c
   0xffffffff812adbb4 <+164>:	mov    %r13d,%edx
   0xffffffff812adbb7 <+167>:	mov    %r12,%rsi
   0xffffffff812adbba <+170>:	mov    %rsp,%rdi
   0xffffffff812adbbd <+173>:	callq  0xffffffff812ac760 <path_openat>
   0xffffffff812adbc2 <+178>:	mov    %rax,%rbx
   0xffffffff812adbc5 <+181>:	jmp    0xffffffff812adb97 <do_filp_open+135>

3702	in fs/namei.c
   0xffffffff812adb97 <+135>:	cmp    $0xffffffffffffff8c,%rbx
   0xffffffff812adb9b <+139>:	je     0xffffffff812adbc7 <do_filp_open+183>


struct file *do_filp_open(int dfd, struct filename *pathname,
  		const struct open_flags *op)
  	struct nameidata nd;
  	int flags = op->lookup_flags;
  	struct file *filp;
  	set_nameidata(&nd, dfd, pathname);
  	filp = path_openat(&nd, op, flags | LOOKUP_RCU);
  	if (unlikely(filp == ERR_PTR(-ECHILD)))
  		filp = path_openat(&nd, op, flags);
  	if (unlikely(filp == ERR_PTR(-ESTALE)))
  		filp = path_openat(&nd, op, flags | LOOKUP_REVAL);
  	return filp;

 要获取 3699行 filp = path_openat(&nd, op, flags | LOOKUP_RCU) 对应的filp的值

surftrace 'p do_filp_open+121 filp=X!(u64)%ax'
echo 'p:f0 do_filp_open+121 filp=%ax:x64' >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/kprobe_events
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/kprobes/f0/enable
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/options/stacktrace
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on
 <...>-1315799 [006] d.Z. 6314249.201847: f0: (do_filp_open+0x79/0xd0) filp=0xffff929db2819840
 <...>-4006158 [014] d.Z. 6314249.326736: f0: (do_filp_open+0x79/0xd0) filp=0xffff929daeac48c0

 变量表达式:filp=X!(u64)%ax 中,使用!对寄存器类型进行数据类型强制转换,括号当中的是是数据类型定义。

 展开 struct file 结构体定义:

struct file {
    union {
        struct llist_node fu_llist;
        struct callback_head fu_rcuhead;
    } f_u;
    struct path f_path;
    struct inode *f_inode;
    const struct file_operations *f_op;
    spinlock_t f_lock;
    enum rw_hint f_write_hint;
    atomic_long_t f_count;
    unsigned int f_flags;
    fmode_t f_mode;
    struct mutex f_pos_lock;
    loff_t f_pos;
    struct fown_struct f_owner;
    const struct cred *f_cred;
    struct file_ra_state f_ra;
    u64 f_version;
    void *f_security;
    void *private_data;
    struct list_head f_ep_links;
    struct list_head f_tfile_llink;
    struct address_space *f_mapping;
    errseq_t f_wb_err;

​ 如果要获取此时的f_pos值,可以这样获取

  • 命令行:surftrace 'p do_filp_open+121 pos=X!(struct file*)%ax->f_pos'
surftrace 'p do_filp_open+121 pos=X!(struct file*)%ax->f_pos'
echo 'p:f0 do_filp_open+121 pos=+0x68(%ax):x64' >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/kprobe_events
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/kprobes/f0/enable
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/options/stacktrace
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on
 <...>-1334277 [010] d.Z. 6314645.646230: f0: (do_filp_open+0x79/0xd0) pos=0x0
 <...>-2916553 [002] d.Z. 6314645.653164: f0: (do_filp_open+0x79/0xd0) pos=0x0
 <...>-2916553 [002] d.Z. 6314645.653253: f0: (do_filp_open+0x79/0xd0) pos=0x0



​ 前文已经描述采用r 对事件类型进行标识,返回寄存器统一用$retval标识,与ftrace保持一致,以获取do_filp_open函数返回值为例:

  • 命令行:surftrace 'r do_filp_open filp=$retval'
surftrace 'r do_filp_open filp=$retval'
echo 'r:f0 do_filp_open filp=$retval:u64' >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/kprobe_events
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/kprobes/f0/enable
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/options/stacktrace
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on
 <...>-1362926 [010] d... 6315264.198718: f0: (do_sys_openat2+0x1b6/0x260 <- do_filp_open) filp=18446623804769722880
 <...>-4006154 [008] d... 6315264.256749: f0: (do_sys_openat2+0x1b6/0x260 <- do_filp_open) filp=18446623804770426624
 <...>-4006154 [008] d... 6315264.256776: f0: (do_sys_openat2+0x1b6/0x260 <- do_filp_open) filp=18446623804770425344

​ 获取 struct file 中f_pos成员

  • 命令行:surftrace 'r do_filp_open pos=$retval->f_pos'
surftrace 'r do_filp_open pos=$retval->f_pos'
echo 'r:f0 do_filp_open pos=+0x68($retval):u64' >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/kprobe_events
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/kprobes/f0/enable
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/options/stacktrace
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on
 <...>-1371049 [008] d... 6315439.568814: f0: (do_sys_openat2+0x1b6/0x260 <- do_filp_open) pos=0
 systemd-journal-3665  [012] d... 6315439.568962: f0: (do_sys_openat2+0x1b6/0x260 <- do_filp_open) pos=0
 systemd-journal-3665  [012] d... 6315439.571519: f0: (do_sys_openat2+0x1b6/0x260 <- do_filp_open) pos=0


​ sk_buff 是linux网络协议栈重要的结构体,通过前面的方法,并不能直接解析到我们关注的报文内容,需要进行特殊处理。以追踪icmp接收ping报文为例,我们在__netif_receive_skb_core 函数中进行probe和过滤:

  • 命令行 surftrace 'p __netif_receive_skb_core proto=@(struct iphdr *)l3%0->protocol ip_src=@(struct iphdr *)%0->saddr ip_dst=@(struct iphdr *)l3%0->daddr data=X@(struct iphdr *)l3%0->sdata[1] f:proto==1&&ip_src=='
  • 同时可能需要 执行 ping127.0.0.1
surftrace 'p __netif_receive_skb_core proto=@(struct iphdr *)l3%0->protocol ip_src=@(struct iphdr *)%0->saddr ip_dst=@(struct iphdr *)l3%0->daddr data=X@(struct iphdr *)l3%0->sdata[1] f:proto==1&&ip_src=='
echo 'p:f0 __netif_receive_skb_core proto=+0x9(+0xe8(%di)):u8 ip_src=+0xc(+0xe8(%di)):u32 ip_dst=+0x10(+0xe8(%di)):u32 data=+0x16(+0xe8(%di)):x16' >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/kprobe_events
echo 'proto==1&&ip_src==0x100007f' > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/kprobes/f0/filter
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/kprobes/f0/enable
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/options/stacktrace
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on
 <...>-1420827 [013] ..s1 6316511.011244: f0: (__netif_receive_skb_core+0x0/0xc10) proto=1 ip_src= ip_dst= data=0x4a0d
 <...>-1420827 [013] ..s1 6316511.011264: f0: (__netif_receive_skb_core+0x0/0xc10) proto=1 ip_src= ip_dst= data=0x4a15

​ 协议的获取表达式为 @(struct iphdr *)l3%0->protocol,和之前不一样的是,寄存器的结构体名左括号加了@符号进行特殊标记,表示需要用该结构体来解析skb->data指针数据,结构体名和右括号后加了l3标记(命名为右标记),表示当前skb->data指向了TCP/IP 层3位置。

  • 右标记有l2、l3、l4三个选项,也可以不标记,默认为l3,如 ip_src=@(struct iphdr *)%0->saddr,没有右标记。
  • 报文结构体有 'struct ethhdr', 'struct iphdr', 'struct icmphdr', 'struct tcphdr', 'struct udphdr'五类,如果协议栈层级和报文结构体对应不上,解析器会报参数错误,如右标记为l3,但是报文结构体是 struct ethhdr类型;
  • 'struct icmphdr', 'struct tcphdr', 'struct udphdr'这三个4层结构体增加了xdata成员,用于获取协议对应报文内容。xdata有 cdata. sdata, ldata, qdata, Sdata 五种类型,位宽对应 1 2 4 8 和字符串. 数组下标是按照位宽进行对齐的,如实例表达式中的 data=@(struct icmphdr*)l3%0->sdata[1],sdata[1]表示要提取icmp报文中的2~3字节内容
  • surftrace 会对以 ip_xx开头的变量进行ipv4<->u32 ,如 ip_src=@(struct iphdr *)%0->saddr,会转成对应的IP格式。对B16_、B32_、B64_、b16_、b32_、b64_开头的变量也会进行大小端转换,B开头按照16进制输出,b以10进制输出。


​ trace event 信息参考 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events目录下的事件 描述,以追踪wakeup等待超过10ms任务为例

​ 命令行 surftrace 'e sched/sched_stat_wait f:delay>1000000'

surftrace 'e sched/sched_stat_wait f:delay>1000000'
echo 'delay>1000000' > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/sched/sched_stat_wait/filter
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/sched/sched_stat_wait/enable
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/options/stacktrace
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on
<idle>-0     [001] dN.. 11868700.419049: sched_stat_wait: comm=h2o pid=3046552 delay=87023763 [ns]
 <idle>-0     [005] dN.. 11868700.419049: sched_stat_wait: comm=h2o pid=3046617 delay=87360020 [ns]



 以访问 task_group_cache 这个全局符号为例,它的定义如下:

static struct kmem_cache *task_group_cache __read_mostly;


surftrace 'p wake_up_new_task point=@task_group_cache'
echo 'p:f0 wake_up_new_task point=@task_group_cache' >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/kprobe_events
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/kprobes/f0/enable
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/options/stacktrace
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on
 <...>-3626383 [000] .... 12192156.289170: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x250) point=0xffff929dc0405500
 <...>-2282088 [006] .... 12192156.294148: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x250) point=0xffff929dc0405500
 <...>-3626558 [001] .... 12192156.305044: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x250) point=0xffff929dc0405500
 <...>-3626558 [001] .... 12192156.305133: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x250) point=0xffff929dc0405500


surftrace 'p wake_up_new_task name=!(struct kmem_cache*)@task_group_cache->name size=!(struct kmem_cache*)@task_group_cache->size'
echo 'p:f0 wake_up_new_task name=+0x0(+0x58(@task_group_cache)):string size=+0x18(@task_group_cache):u32' >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/kprobe_events
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/kprobes/f0/enable
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/options/stacktrace
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on
 <...>-3736660 [014] .... 12192459.242704: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x250) name="task_group" size=704
 <...>-2282088 [008] .... 12192459.266579: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x250) name="task_group" size=704
 <...>-3736816 [001] .... 12192459.278101: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x250) name="task_group" size=704
 <...>-3736816 [001] .... 12192459.278169: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x250) name="task_group" size=704


 根据ftrace要求,访问地址必须要在内核地址范围内。继续以以访问 task_group_cache 这个全局符号为例,首先获取符号地址

cat /proc/kallsyms |grep task_group_cache
ffffffff8647bc30 d task_group_cache


surftrace 'p wake_up_new_task name=!(struct kmem_cache*)@0xffffffff8647bc30->name size=!(struct kmem_cache*)@0xffffffff8647bc30->size'
echo 'p:f0 wake_up_new_task name=+0x0(+0x58(@0xffffffff8647bc30)):string size=+0x18(@0xffffffff8647bc30):u32' >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/kprobe_events
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/kprobes/f0/enable
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/options/stacktrace
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on
 <...>-3910607 [012] .... 12193362.784157: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x250) name="task_group" size=704
 <...>-3386586 [012] .... 12193362.960034: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x250) name="task_group" size=704
 <...>-3386586 [012] .... 12193362.963222: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x250) name="task_group" size=704





  1. surftrace版本不低于0.7.1,可执行pip install -U surftrace 命令进行更新;
  2. 要追踪的ko放在同一目录下,并且没有strip掉调试信息;

 生成过程比较简单,将ko所在目录作为唯一传参,传kobuild,就可以在当前目录下生成prev.db 文件:

#kobuild ko/
#ll -h prev.db
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 592K May 29 00:10 prev.db



 可以采用以下两种方式使用prev.db 数据:

  1. 在prev.db 所在的目录下 执行surftrace相关操作;
  2. export LBC_PREVDB 环境变量,指向prev.db 完整路径,含文件名;




  1. 了解函数调用关系;
  2. 定位内核性能问题;


  1. 目标符号在内核符号范围内
  2. 全局追踪,不支持过滤器
  3. 高频调用的符号会消耗较高的cpu资源,可能导致追踪失败。


usage: surfGraph [-h] [-f FUNCTION] [-m MODE] [-s STEP] [-o OUTPUT]

kernel function call graph tool.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FUNCTION, --function FUNCTION
                        set function to call graph.
  -m MODE, --mode MODE  set output mode, support svg(default)/tree/walk/raw
  -s STEP, --step STEP  write file by every step, only for svg mode.
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        save trees to *.tree file, 32 max

examples: surfGraph -f __do_fault


 以追踪 __do_fault 符号为例,在环境下执行以下命令:

#surfGraph -f __do_fault
echo nop > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/current_tracer
echo __do_fault > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/set_graph_function
echo function_graph > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/current_tracer
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/tracing_on
save __do_fault-1.svg
save __do_fault-2.svg
save __do_fault-3.svg
save __do_fault-4.svg
save __do_fault-241.svg
^Csave __do_fault-242.svg
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/tracing_on
echo  > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/set_graph_function
write __do_fault.svg

 此时会在命令所在目录生成符号对应的火焰图文件。单个火焰图的文件格式为[symbol]-[serial].svg,总火焰图文件格式为 [symbol].svg。任意一次火焰图的效果:




2.9 用户态追踪 uprobe


  1. 依赖于readelf命令,需要安装 binutils 包;
  2. 符号参数解析依赖于高版本的gdb,建议从 下载 最新版本;


  • P: 追踪函数入口,支持符号内部追踪;
  • R:追踪函数返回点,


 追踪 bash 调用readline 函数

#surftrace 'P bash:readline'
echo nop > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/current_tracer
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/uprobes/p0/enable
echo -:p0 >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/uprobe_events
echo 'p:p0  /usr/bin/bash:0x8a870' >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/uprobe_events
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/uprobes/p0/enable
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/options/stacktrace
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on
 <...>-114811 [002] d... 14628569.434360: p0: (0x48a870)
 <...>-114811 [002] d... 14628571.197338: p0: (0x48a870)
 <...>-114811 [002] d... 14628572.361030: p0: (0x48a870)
^Cecho 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/uprobes/p0/enable
echo -:p0 >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/uprobe_events
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on


surftrace 'P bash:readline f:common_pid==114811'
echo nop > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/current_tracer
echo 'p:p0  /usr/bin/bash:0x8a870' >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/uprobe_events
echo 'common_pid==114811' > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/uprobes/p0/filter
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/uprobes/p0/enable
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/options/stacktrace
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on
 <...>-114811 [000] d... 14628883.768443: p0: (0x48a870)
 <...>-114811 [000] d... 14628893.438465: p0: (0x48a870)
^Cecho 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/uprobes/p0/enable
echo -:p0 >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/uprobe_events
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on


surftrace 'R bash:readline cmd=!(char *)$retval'
echo nop > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/current_tracer
echo 'r:r0  /usr/bin/bash:0x8a870 cmd=+0x0($retval):string' >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/uprobe_events
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/uprobes/r0/enable
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/options/stacktrace
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on
 <...>-114811 [000] d... 14629155.134831: r0: (0x41e66a <- 0x48a870) cmd="top"
 <...>-114811 [000] d... 14629159.092198: r0: (0x41e66a <- 0x48a870) cmd="ps"
 <...>-114811 [000] d... 14629167.728730: r0: (0x41e66a <- 0x48a870) cmd="ifconfig"
^Cecho 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/uprobes/r0/enable
echo -:r0 >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/uprobe_events
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on

2.9.2、so 追踪

 追踪libc中sleep 函数,并打印sleep 时间

#surftrace 'P libc:sleep t=%0'
echo nop > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/current_tracer
echo 'p:p0  /lib64/ t=%di:u32' >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/uprobe_events
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/uprobes/p0/enable
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/options/stacktrace
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on
 <...>-117611 [003] d... 14629434.944287: p0: (0x7fc9bfe3cc60) t=1
 <...>-117611 [003] d... 14629435.944483: p0: (0x7fc9bfe3cc60) t=1
 <...>-117611 [003] d... 14629436.944646: p0: (0x7fc9bfe3cc60) t=1
 <...>-117611 [003] d... 14629437.944852: p0: (0x7fc9bfe3cc60) t=1
 <...>-117611 [003] d... 14629438.945000: p0: (0x7fc9bfe3cc60) t=1
^Cecho 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/uprobes/p0/enable
echo -:p0 >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/uprobe_events
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on

 获取libc 中 fopen函数并过滤返回值

surftrace 'R libc:fopen file=$retval f:file==0'
echo nop > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/current_tracer
echo 'r:r0  /lib64/ file=$retval' >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/uprobe_events
echo 'file==0' > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/uprobes/r0/filter
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/uprobes/r0/enable
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/options/stacktrace
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on
 <...>-69760 [003] d... 14629691.970192: r0: (0x556be9a166ff <- 0x7f8e38270b40) file=0x0
 <...>-69760 [003] d... 14629691.970241: r0: (0x556be9a132ea <- 0x7f8e38270b40) file=0x0
^Cecho 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/uprobes/r0/enable
echo -:r0 >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/uprobe_events
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>

struct uprobe_def{
    int a;
    int b;

int func(int v, struct uprobe_def* ud) {
    printf("show %d, a: %d, b:%d\n", v, ud->a, ud->b);
    return v;

int main(void) {
    int i;
    struct uprobe_def ud = {1, 1};
    printf("hello, uprobe. %d\n", getpid());
    for (i = 1; i < 1000; i ++){
        ud.a = i * 2;
        ud.b = i * 3;
        func(i, &ud);
    return 0;

 编译成二进制,注意要添加-g 选项,否则无法解析符号

gcc tuprobe.c -o tuprobe -g


surftrace 'P tuprobe:func v=%0 a=%1->a b=%1->b' 'R tuprobe:func v=$retval'
echo nop > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/current_tracer
echo 'p:p0  /root/1ext/code/surftrace/tests/uprobe/tuprobe:0x5bd v=%di:u32 a=+0x0(%si):u32 b=+0x4(%si):u32' >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/uprobe_events
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/uprobes/p0/enable
echo 'r:r1  /root/1ext/code/surftrace/tests/uprobe/tuprobe:0x5bd v=$retval' >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/uprobe_events
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/uprobes/r1/enable
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/options/stacktrace
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on
 <...>-124305 [000] d... 14634026.257596: p0: (0x4005bd) v=1 a=2 b=3
 <...>-124305 [000] d... 14634026.258737: r1: (0x400656 <- 0x4005bd) v=0x1
 <...>-124305 [000] d... 14634027.259074: p0: (0x4005bd) v=2 a=4 b=6
 <...>-124305 [000] d... 14634027.259142: r1: (0x400656 <- 0x4005bd) v=0x2
 <...>-124305 [000] d... 14634028.259265: p0: (0x4005bd) v=3 a=6 b=9
 <...>-124305 [000] d... 14634028.259371: r1: (0x400656 <- 0x4005bd) v=0x3
 <...>-124305 [000] d... 14634029.259468: p0: (0x4005bd) v=4 a=8 b=12
 <...>-124305 [000] d... 14634029.259534: r1: (0x400656 <- 0x4005bd) v=0x4
^Cecho 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/uprobes/p0/enable
echo -:p0 >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/uprobe_events
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/uprobes/r1/enable
echo -:r1 >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/uprobe_events
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on

3、surfGuide 使用

​ surfGuide可以直接运行,命令行已经有一些使用帮助提示。现在手头任务紧张,等有空了再补充完善吧。

​ 安装:pip install surfGuide

​ 然后运行 surfGuide 就可以使用了。






 pylcc在libbpf基础上进行封装,将复杂的编译工程交由容器执行 pylcc.png

6、1 准备工作


  • 能力要求:熟悉c,libpf开发特性,python
  • python2.7 或者python3都可以运行,无需安装任何第三方库。
  • 环境要求:可以访问。后面编译容器发布了以后,可以自行搭建编译服务执行

6.2 实战

执行pip install pylcc安装

git clone

示例代码 在目录 tool/pylcc/guide下

6.3.1 从hello world 开始 代码

import time
from pylcc.lbcBase import ClbcBase

bpfPog = r"""
#include "lbc.h"

int j_wake_up_new_task(struct pt_regs *ctx)
    struct task_struct* parent = (struct task_struct *)PT_REGS_PARM1(ctx);
    bpf_printk("hello lcc, parent: %d\n", _(parent->tgid));
    return 0;

char _license[] SEC("license") = "GPL";

class Chello(ClbcBase):
    def __init__(self):
        super(Chello, self).__init__("hello", bpf_str=bpfPog)
        while True:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    hello = Chello()
    pass bpf代码说明:

  • bpf代码需要包含 lbc.h 头文件,该头文件会包含以下头文件,并且会加上我们常见的宏定义和数据类型,详情参考后面的附录,
#include "vmlinux.h"
#include <linux/types.h>
#include <bpf/bpf_helpers.h>
#include <bpf/bpf_core_read.h>
#include <bpf/bpf_tracing.h>
  • SEC的定义和函数内部实现与libbpf应用方法保持一致;
  • 访问结构体成员使用了_宏,该方法访问方式相对固定,下一节会提供core的获取方法;
  • 末尾不要遗忘 _license声明、python代码实现部分说明:

 python 部分代码从ClbcBase 类继承,__init__函数中,第一入参必须要指定,用于指定生成so的文件名。在执行完__init__函数后,bfp模块就已经注入到内核当中去执行了。、执行效果:

 执行 python2 运行,并查看编译结果:

#cat /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace_pipe
           <...>-1091294 [005] d... 17658161.425644: : hello lcc, parent: 106880
           <...>-4142485 [003] d... 17658161.428568: : hello lcc, parent: 4142485
           <...>-4142486 [002] d... 17658161.430972: : hello lcc, parent: 4142486
           <...>-4142486 [002] d... 17658161.431228: : hello lcc, parent: 4142486
           <...>-4142486 [002] d... 17658161.431557: : hello lcc, parent: 4142486
           <...>-4142485 [003] d... 17658161.435385: : hello lcc, parent: 4142485
           <...>-4142490 [000] d... 17658161.437562: : hello lcc, parent: 4142490

 此时可以看到目录下新增了 文件,如果文件时间戳有更新,只要bpfProg部分内容不发生改变,就不会触发重编动作。如果bpfProg 发生变换,就会触发重新编译动作,生成新的so

6.3.2 往用户态传递信息


import ctypes as ct
from pylcc.lbcBase import ClbcBase

bpfPog = r"""
#include "lbc.h"
#define TASK_COMM_LEN 16
struct data_t {
    u32 c_pid;
    u32 p_pid;
    char c_comm[TASK_COMM_LEN];
    char p_comm[TASK_COMM_LEN];

LBC_PERF_OUTPUT(e_out, struct data_t, 128);
int j_wake_up_new_task(struct pt_regs *ctx)
    struct task_struct* parent = (struct task_struct *)PT_REGS_PARM1(ctx);
    struct data_t data = {};

    data.c_pid = bpf_get_current_pid_tgid() >> 32;
    bpf_get_current_comm(&data.c_comm, TASK_COMM_LEN);
    data.p_pid = BPF_CORE_READ(parent, pid);
    bpf_core_read(&data.p_comm[0], TASK_COMM_LEN, &parent->comm[0]);
    bpf_perf_event_output(ctx, &e_out, BPF_F_CURRENT_CPU, &data, sizeof(data));
    return 0;

char _license[] SEC("license") = "GPL";

class CeventOut(ClbcBase):
    def __init__(self):
        super(CeventOut, self).__init__("eventOut", bpf_str=bpfPog)

    def _cb(self, cpu, data, size):
        e = self.getMap('e_out', data, size)
        print("current pid:%d, comm:%s. wake_up_new_task pid: %d, comm: %s" % (
            e.c_pid, e.c_comm, e.p_pid, e.p_comm

    def loop(self):
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            print("key interrupt.")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    e = CeventOut()
    e.loop() bpf部分代码说明:

  • LBC_PERF_OUTPUT宏不能用原有的bpf_map_def ……BPF_MAP_TYPE_PERF_EVENT_ARRAY…… 替代,虽然是同样申明一个 perf maps,但如果用原始的声明方式,python在加载的时候将无法识别出对应的内核数据类型。
  • 可以使用 bpf_get_current_pid_tgid 等libbpf helper函数;
  • 可以使用 bpf_core_read 等方法;
  • 不可使用 bcc 独有的方法,如直接指针访问变量等; python部分代码说明


  • self.maps['e_out'].open_perf_buffer(self._cb)函数是为 e_out事件注册回调钩子函数,其中e_out命名与bpfProg中LBC_PERF_OUTPUT(e_out, struct data_t, 128) 对应;
  • self.maps['e_out'].perf_buffer_poll() 即poll 对应的event事件,与bpfProg中 bpf_perf_event_output(ctx, &e_out……对应;

 接下来看_cb 回调函数:

  • e = self.getMap('e_out', data, size) 将数据流生成对应的数据对象;
  • 生成了数据对象后,就可以通过成员的方式来访问数据对象,该对象成员与bpfProg中 struct data_t 定义保持一致 执行结果

current pid:241808, comm:python. wake_up_new_task parent pid: 241871, comm: python
current pid:1, comm:systemd. wake_up_new_task parent pid: 1, comm: systemd

6.3.3 动态修改bpfProg代码

 在3.2的基础上,参考,如果只想动态过滤parent进程id为 241871,可以借鉴bcc的思路进行替换,大部分代码与eventOut.py一致,首先在bpfProg代码添加了过滤动作:

	u32 pid = BPF_CORE_READ(parent, pid);
    if (pid != FILTER_PID) {
        return 0;


if __name__ == "__main__":
    bpfPog = bpfPog.replace("FILTER_PID", sys.argv[1])
    e = CdynamicVar()


python2 241871
current pid:241808, comm:python. wake_up_new_task pid: 241871, comm: python
current pid:241808, comm:python. wake_up_new_task pid: 241871, comm: python
current pid:241808, comm:python. wake_up_new_task pid: 241871, comm: python

6.3.4 hash map应用

 代码参考,大部分代码与eventOut.py一致。 bpf 部分代码


LBC_HASH(pid_cnt, u32, u32, 1024);


	u32 *pcnt, cnt;
    pcnt =  bpf_map_lookup_elem(&pid_cnt, &pid);
    cnt  = pcnt ? *pcnt + 1 : 1;
    bpf_map_update_elem(&pid_cnt, &pid, &cnt, BPF_ANY); python部分代码


            dMap = self.maps['pid_cnt']

 哈希表对象可以直接由 self.maps['pid_cnt'] 方法获取到,可以调用get函数,获取到dict对象。


  1. hash map key 应该是是可哈希类型的,如int等,不能为dict(对应自定义结构体)

6.3.5、call stack获取


 外传的数据结构体中增加stack_id成员,接下来定义一个call stack成员

struct data_t {
    u32 c_pid;
    u32 p_pid;
    char c_comm[TASK_COMM_LEN];
    char p_comm[TASK_COMM_LEN];
    u32 stack_id;

LBC_PERF_OUTPUT(e_out, struct data_t, 128);

 在处理函数中记录call stack

data.stack_id = bpf_get_stackid(ctx, &call_stack, KERN_STACKID_FLAGS);、python部分代码


		stacks = self.maps['call_stack'].getStacks(e.stack_id)
		print("call trace:")
		for s in stacks:

remote server compile success.
current pid:1, comm:systemd. wake_up_new_task pid: 1, common: systemd
call trace:


 参考 和 independ.bpf.c,它的功能实现和 完全一致,不一样的是将python和bpf.c的功能拆分到了两个文件中去实现。  我们只需要关注下__init__函数

    def __init__(self):
        super(codeSeparate, self).__init__("independ")

 它没有了 bpf_str 入参,此时lcc会尝试从当前目录上下,去找independ.bpf.c并提请编译加载。

6.3.7 调试函数


#ifdef LBC_DEBUG
#define lbc_debug(...) bpf_printk(__VA_ARGS__)
#define lbc_debug(...)


import time
from pylcc.lbcBase import ClbcBase

bpfPog = r"""
#include "lbc.h"

int j_wake_up_new_task(struct pt_regs *ctx)
    struct task_struct* parent = (struct task_struct *)PT_REGS_PARM1(ctx);
    lbc_debug("hello lcc, parent: %d\n", _(parent->tgid));
    return 0;

char _license[] SEC("license") = "GPL";

class Chello(ClbcBase):
    def __init__(self):
        super(Chello, self).__init__("hello", bpf_str=bpfPog, env="-DLBC_DEBUG")
        while True:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    hello = Chello()


6.3.8 编译宏定义:


6.3.9 attach probe:

import time
from pylcc.lbcBase import ClbcBase

bpfPog = r"""
#include "lbc.h"

int j_wake_up_new_task2(struct pt_regs *ctx)
    struct task_struct* parent = (struct task_struct *)PT_REGS_PARM1(ctx);

    bpf_printk("hello lcc2, parent: %d\n", _(parent->tgid));
    return 0;

char _license[] SEC("license") = "GPL";

class Cattach(ClbcBase):
    def __init__(self):
        super(Cattach, self).__init__("attach", bpf_str=bpfPog, attach=0)
        self.attachKprobe("j_wake_up_new_task2", "wake_up_new_task")
        while True:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    attach = Cattach()
  1. 构造bpf的时候,配置attach=0,这样 j_wake_up_new_task2 就不会attach 到 finish_task_switch kprobe上去;
  2. attach 如果不配置,默认会 attach 到 finish_task_switch 上;

 attach api 列表如下:

def attachKprobe(self, function, symbol):
def attachKretprobe(self, function, symbol):
def attachUprobe(self, function, pid, binaryPath, offset=0):
def attachUretprobe(self, function, pid, binaryPath, offset=0):
def attachTracepoint(self, function, category, name):
def attachRawTracepoint(self, function, name):
def attachCgroup(self, function, fd):
def attachNetns(self, function, fd):
def attachXdp(self, function, ifindex):


 uprobe 关键是需要获取到 binaryPath、offset 这两个参数,现阶段可以通过surftrace 命令获取,参考2.9.1节,可以获取到环境中 bash readline对应参数是 "/usr/bin/bash", 0x8a870,故对应代码如下:

from signal import pause
from pylcc.lbcBase import ClbcBase

bpfPog = r"""
#include "lbc.h"

int call_symbol(struct pt_regs *ctx)
    bpf_printk("catch uprobe.\n");
    return 0;

char _license[] SEC("license") = "GPL";

class CtestUprobe(ClbcBase):
    def __init__(self):
        super(CtestUprobe, self).__init__("tUprobe", bpf_str=bpfPog, attach=0)

        self.attachUprobe("call_symbol", -1, "/usr/bin/bash", 0x8a870)

if __name__ == "__main__":

 通过 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace_pipe 获取捕捉结果:

cat /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace_pipe
           <...>-114811 [000] .... 14635188.986989: 0: catch uprobe.
           <...>-113536 [000] .... 14635755.051790: 0: catch uprobe.
           <...>-113536 [001] .... 14635755.485620: 0: catch uprobe.
           <...>-113536 [001] .... 14635755.685864: 0: catch uprobe.
           <...>-113536 [001] .... 14635755.853171: 0: catch uprobe.
           <...>-113536 [001] .... 14635756.068934: 0: catch uprobe.

6.4 pylcc 与 bcc 对比性能优势

 由于bcc 库内部集成了庞大的 LLVM/Clang 库,使其在使用过程中会遇到一些问题:

    1. 在每个工具启动时,都会占用较高的 CPU 和内存资源来编译 BPF 程序,在系统资源已经短缺的服务器上运行可能引起问题;
    1. 依赖于内核头文件包,必须将其安装在每个目标主机上。即便如此,如果需要内核中未 export 的内容,则需要手动将类型定义复制/粘贴到 BPF 代码中;


    1. lcc 由于不在本地编译,无本地cpu冲高过程;而采用bcc 可以监控到明显的CPU冲高过程


    1. 运行阶段内存占用对比
pylcc bcc
rss(kb) 10352 92288
vmpeak(kb) 207444 369672
vmdata(kb) 201284 363484


pylcc bcc
0% 50%+
1 9

7 clcc


7.1 准备工作


  • 能力要求:熟悉c,libpf开发特性,
  • python2.7 或者python3,coolbpf >=0.1.1,可以执行pip install -U coolbpf
  • 环境要求:可以访问pylcc.openanolis.cn或自己建远程编译服务
  • 编译要求:本地已安装gcc/make

7.2 coolbpf 命令说明

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FILE, --file FILE  set file to compile.
  -e ENV, --env ENV     set compile env.
  -a ARCH, --arch ARCH  set architecture.
  -v VER, --version VER
                        set kernel version.
  -i INC, --include INC
                        set include path.
  -o, --obj             compile object file only.

 如要将hello.bpf.c 编译成,执行:

coolbpf -f hello.bpf.c

 编译成 hello.bpf.o,执行:

coolbpf -f hello.bpf.c -o

7.3 验证过程

 参考6.3的例程,先clone 代码 make:

git clone
cd clcc


7.3.1 hello

 实现和验证流程参考 pylcc hello的验证,实现了hello world 打印功能

7.3.2 event_out

 实现和验证流程参考 pylcc eventOut的验证,实现了往用户态吐数据功能

7.3.3 hash_map

 实现和验证流程参考 pylcc hashMaps的验证,实现了maps数据读取功能

7.3.3 call_stack

 实现和验证流程参考 pylcc callStack的验证,实现了打印内核调用栈功能

7.4 clcc 头文件说明

 头文件clcc.h保存在 include 路径下, 实现了so加载的主要功能,主要功能如下:

7.4.1 直接API

 * function name: clcc_init
 * description: load an so
 * arg1: so path to load
 * return: struct clcc_struct *
struct clcc_struct* clcc_init(const char* so_path);

 * function name: clcc_deinit
 * description: release an so
 * arg1:  struct clcc_struct *p;    struct clcc_struc will free in this function.
 * return: None
void clcc_deinit(struct clcc_struct *p);

 * function name: clcc_get_call_stack
 * description:  get call stack from table and stack id
 * arg1:  table id: from struct clcc_struct get_maps_id function.
 * arg2: stack_id: from bpf kernel bpf_get_stackid function.
 * arg3: pstack:  struct clcc_call_stack, should be alloced at first, use in clcc_print_stack
 * arg4: pclcc: setup from clcc_init function
 * return: 0 if success.
int clcc_get_call_stack(int table_id,
                               int stack_id,
                               struct clcc_call_stack *pstack,
                               struct clcc_struct *pclcc)
 * function name: clcc_print_stack
 * description:  print call stack
 * arg1: pstack:  struct clcc_call_stack, stack to print, setup from clcc_get_call_stack.
 * arg2: pclcc: setup from clcc_init function
 * return: None.
void clcc_print_stack(struct clcc_call_stack *pstack,
                             struct clcc_struct *pclcc)

7.4.2 结构体API

  struct clcc_struct 是 clcc 最重要的结构体,封装libbpf的主要功能,结构定义如下:

struct clcc_struct{
     * member: handle
     * description: so file file handle pointer, it should not be modified or accessed.
    void* handle;
     * member: status
     * description: reserved.
    int status;
     * member: init
     * description: install libbpf programme,
     * arg1: print level, 0~3. -1:do not print any thing.
     * arg2: attach, 0: do not attach, !0: attach
     * return: 0 if success.
    int  (*init)(int log_level, int attach);
     * member: exit
     * description: uninstall libbpf programme,
     * return: None.
    void (*exit)(void);
     * member: get_maps_id
     * description: get map id from map name which quote in LBC_XXX().
     * arg1: event: map name which quote in LBC_XXX(), eg: LBC_PERF_OUTPUT(e_out, struct data_t, 128),  then arg is e_out.
     * return: >=0, failed when < 0
    int  (*get_maps_id)(char* event);
     * member: set_event_cb
     * description: set call back function for perf out event.
     * arg1: event id, get from get_maps_id.
     * arg2: callback function when event polled.
     * arg3: lost callback function when event polled.
     * return: 0 if success.
    int  (*set_event_cb)(int id,
                       void (*cb)(void *ctx, int cpu, void *data, unsigned int size),
                       void (*lost)(void *ctx, int cpu, unsigned long long cnt));
     * member: event_loop
     * description: poll perf out put event, usually used in pairs with set_event_cb function.
     * arg1: event id, get from get_maps_id.
     * arg2: timeout, unit seconds. -1 nevet timeout.
     * return: 0 if success.
    int  (*event_loop)(int id, int timeout);
     * member: map_lookup_elem
     * description: lookup element by key.
     * arg1: event id, get from get_maps_id.
     * arg2: key point.
     * arg3: value point.
     * return: 0 if success.
    int  (*map_lookup_elem)(int id, const void *key, void *value);
     * member: map_lookup_elem_flags
     * description: lookup element by key.
     * arg1: event id, get from get_maps_id.
     * arg2: key point.
     * arg3: value point.
     * return: 0 if success.
    int  (*map_lookup_elem_flags)(int id, const void *key, void *value, unsigned long int);
     * member: map_lookup_and_delete_elem
     * description: lookup element by key then delete key.
     * arg1: event id, get from get_maps_id.
     * arg2: key point.
     * arg3: value point.
     * return: 0 if success.
    int  (*map_lookup_and_delete_elem)(int id, const void *key, void *value);
     * member: map_delete_elem
     * description: lookup element by key then delete key.
     * arg1: event id, get from get_maps_id.
     * arg2: key point.
     * return: 0 if success.
    int  (*map_delete_elem)(int id, const void *key);
     * member: map_update_elem
     * description: update element by key.
     * arg1: event id, get from get_maps_id.
     * arg2: key point.
     * arg3: value point.
     * return: 0 if success.
    int  (*map_update_elem)(int id, const void *key, void *value);
     * member: map_get_next_key
     * description: walk keys from maps.
     * arg1: event id, get from get_maps_id.
     * arg2: key point.
     * arg3: next key point.
     * return: 0 if success.
    int  (*map_get_next_key)(int id, const void *key, void *next_key);
     * member: attach_perf_event
     * description: attach perf event.
     * arg1: function name in bpf.c.
     * arg2: perf event id.
     * return: 0 if success.
    int  (*attach_perf_event)(const char* func, int pfd);
     * member: attach_kprobe
     * description: attach kprobe.
     * arg1: function name in bpf.c.
     * arg2: kprobe symbol.
     * return: 0 if success.
    int  (*attach_kprobe)(const char* func, const char* sym);
     * member: attach_kretprobe
     * description: attach kprobe.
     * arg1: function name in bpf.c.
     * arg2: kprobe symbol.
     * return: 0 if success.
    int  (*attach_kretprobe)(const char* func, const char* sym);
     * member: attach_uprobe
     * description: attach uprobe.
     * arg1: function name in bpf.c.
     * arg2: task pid
     * arg3: binary_path.
     * arg4: offset.
     * return: 0 if success.
    int  (*attach_uprobe)(const char* func, int pid, const char *binary_path, unsigned long func_offset);
     * member: attach_uretprobe
     * description: attach uretprobe.
     * arg1: function name in bpf.c.
     * arg2: task pid
     * arg3: binary_path.
     * arg4: offset.
     * return: 0 if success.
    int  (*attach_uretprobe)(const char* func, int pid, const char *binary_path, unsigned long func_offset);
     * member: attach_tracepoint
     * description: attach kprobe.
     * arg1: function name in bpf.c.
     * arg2: tp_category.
     * arg3: tp_name.
     * return: 0 if success.
    int  (*attach_tracepoint)(const char* func, const char *tp_category, const char *tp_name);
     * member: attach_raw_tracepoint
     * description: attach kprobe.
     * arg1: function name in bpf.c.
     * arg2: tp_name.
     * return: 0 if success.
    int  (*attach_raw_tracepoint)(const char* func, const char *tp_name);
     * member: attach_cgroup
     * description: attach cgroup.
     * arg1: function name in bpf.c.
     * arg2: cgroup_fd.
     * return: 0 if success.
    int  (*attach_cgroup)(const char* func, int cgroup_fd);
     * member: attach_netns
     * description: attach netns.
     * arg1: function name in bpf.c.
     * arg2: netns.
     * return: 0 if success.
    int  (*attach_netns)(const char* func, int netns);
     * member: attach_xdp
     * description: attach xdp.
     * arg1: function name in bpf.c.
     * arg2: ifindex.
     * return: 0 if success.
    int  (*attach_xdp)(const char* func, int ifindex);
    const char* (*get_map_types)(void);
     * member: ksym_search
     * description: get symbol from kernel addr.
     * arg1: kernnel addr.
     * return: symbol name and address information.
    struct ksym* (*ksym_search)(unsigned long addr);

8 附录、


#ifndef LBC_LBC_H
#define LBC_LBC_H


#define BPF_F_FAST_STACK_CMP	(1ULL << 9)


typedef unsigned long long u64;
typedef signed long long s64;
typedef unsigned int u32;
typedef signed int s32;
typedef unsigned short u16;
typedef signed short s16;
typedef unsigned char u8;
typedef signed char s8;

enum {
    BPF_ANY         = 0, /* create new element or update existing */
    BPF_NOEXIST     = 1, /* create new element if it didn't exist */
    BPF_EXIST       = 2, /* update existing element */
    BPF_F_LOCK      = 4, /* spin_lock-ed map_lookup/map_update */

    struct bpf_map_def SEC("maps") MAPS = { \
        .type = BPF_MAP_TYPE_PERF_EVENT_ARRAY, \
        .key_size = sizeof(int), \
        .value_size = sizeof(s32), \
        .max_entries = ENTRIES, \

    struct bpf_map_def SEC("maps") MAPS = { \
        .type = BPF_MAP_TYPE_HASH, \
        .key_size = sizeof(KEY_T), \
        .value_size = sizeof(VALUE_T), \
        .max_entries = ENTRIES, \

    struct bpf_map_def SEC("maps") MAPS = { \
        .type = BPF_MAP_TYPE_LRU_HASH, \
        .key_size = sizeof(KEY_T), \
        .value_size = sizeof(VALUE_T), \
        .max_entries = ENTRIES, \

    struct bpf_map_def SEC("maps") MAPS = { \
        .type = BPF_MAP_TYPE_PERCPU_HASH, \
        .key_size = sizeof(KEY_T), \
        .value_size = sizeof(VALUE_T), \
        .max_entries = ENTRIES, \

    struct bpf_map_def SEC("maps") MAPS = { \
        .type = BPF_MAP_TYPE_LRU_PERCPU_HASH, \
        .key_size = sizeof(KEY_T), \
        .value_size = sizeof(VALUE_T), \
        .max_entries = ENTRIES, \

    struct bpf_map_def SEC("maps") MAPS = { \
        .type = BPF_MAP_TYPE_STACK_TRACE, \
        .key_size = sizeof(u32), \
        .value_size = PERF_MAX_STACK_DEPTH * sizeof(u64), \
        .max_entries = ENTRIES, \

#define _(P) ({typeof(P) val = 0; bpf_probe_read((void*)&val, sizeof(val), (const void*)&P); val;})

#include "vmlinux.h"
#include <linux/types.h>
#include <bpf/bpf_helpers.h>
#include <bpf/bpf_core_read.h>
#include <bpf/bpf_tracing.h>

#ifndef NULL
#define NULL ((void*)0)
#ifndef ntohs
#define ntohs(x) (0xff00 & x << 8) \
                |(0x00ff & x >> 8)
#ifndef ntohl
#define ntohl(x) (0xff000000 & x << 24) \
                |(0x00ff0000 & x <<  8) \
                |(0x0000ff00 & x >>  8) \
                |(0x000000ff & x >> 24)
#ifndef ntohll
#define ntohll(x) ((((long long)ntohl(x))<<32) + (ntohl((x)>>32)))
#define BPF_F_CURRENT_CPU 0xffffffffULL

#endif //LBC_LBC_H

9、生成surftrace db 方法





docker pull liaozhaoyan/dbhive


# tree
└── x86_64
    ├── btf
    │   └── anolis
    ├── db
    │   └── anolis
    ├── funcs
    │   └── anolis
    ├── head
    │   └── anolis
    ├── pack
    │   └── anolis
    └── vmlinux
        └── anolis




export RELEASE=anolis
mkdir -p btf/$RELEASE  db/$RELEASE  funcs/$RELEASE  head/$RELEASE  pack/$RELEASE  vmlinux/$RELEASE



docker run --net=host --privileged=true -v /root/1ext/vmhive:/home/vmhive/ --name dbhived -itd liaozhaoyan/dbhive /usr/sbin/init


docker exec -it dbhived bash
cd /home/dbhive/
proc kernel-debug-debuginfo-4.19.91-23.4.an8.x86_64.rpm, x86_64
4728267 blocks
strip: /home/vmhive/x86_64/btf/anolis/stlpkyQL: warning: allocated section `.BTF' not in segment
gen /home/vmhive/x86_64/db/anolis/info-debuginfo-4.19.91-23.4.an8.x86_64.db
No symbol "__int128" in current context.
failed to parse type __int128
This context has class, struct or enum irte, not a union.

 此时开始解析所有的内核符号,解析完毕以后,会在host侧的vmhive/x86_64/db/anolis 目录下生成用于surftrace使用的db文件。