
VMware vRealize Log Insight Client

pip install pyloginsight-fork==0.dev0


Build Status

Python API client bindings for VMware vRealize Log Insight's API.

Getting Started

The master branch is code that's in development right now. To install in develop mode, create a virtual environment and clone+install with pip:

virtualenv pyloginsight
cd pyloginsight
source bin/activate
pip install -e git+
cd src/pyloginsight/

Running tests

None of the tests require a connection to a live server. They're either unittests or using requests_mock.

You will need tox installed and a checkout of this repository. Running tox will install test-centric dependencies (pytest, requests_mock) in tox's own virtualenvs (.tox/py{27,35}/), along with the pyloginsight package and its requirements, then run tests and style checks (pytest, pep8, pyflakes).:

virtualenv pyloginsight
cd pyloginsight
source bin/activate
pip install -e git+
cd src/pyloginsight/
pip install tox