Python client for the Más Móvil's B2B API

pip install pymasmovil==0.0.30


Más Móvil Python API client

This Python API client provides access to Más Móvil's B2B REST API.



  • Python 3.8+



To authenticate, you need to specify credentials which need to be set as environment variables with the following names:

'MM_BASEURL': 'https://<host>/cableOperadores/services/apexrest/api'
'MM_USER': 'user'
'MM_PASSWORD': 'pwd'

MM_BASEURL must point to the MásMóvili's API environment, either testing or production. Pymasmovil will only append API routes to it like /v0/accounts to perform requests. In the case of testing, check with them as this surely changes per customer.

MM_USER and MM_PASSWORD must be replaced with your actual user credentials.

Session creation

The login is done when we create a session using the Session.create method:

from pymasmovil.models.session import Session

session = Session.create()

print('Session created with id : {}'.format(session.session_id))

This returns the API key needed to authenticate all subsequent requests. That is why the Session instance has to be passed in to other all other objects methods.


from pymasmovil.models.account import Account

account_id = '0017E000017pEo3QAE'
account = Account.get(session, account_id)

To create a new account we need to use Account.create passing the account data as keyword arguments. The Account attributes are listed bellow. Note they are all strings.

town, surname, stair, roadType, roadNumber, roadName, region, province, postalCode, phone, name, id, flat, email, door, donorCountry, documentType, documentNumber, corporateName, buildingPortal

No attribute is mandatory for the client leaving parameter validation to the API.

from pymasmovil.models.account import Account

account = Account.create(session, town='Barcelona', surname='Garcia', phone='616010101')


Order items can be accessed the same way as accounts:

from import OrderItem

order_item_id = '8028E34500215wgQAA'
order_item = OrderItem.get(session, order_item_id)

Currently, order items can be created following the account creation example, but the structure of their attributes is a bit more complex.

Since GET /order-item/:id response and the POST /accounts/:id/order-items request don't match except for a few attributes, order item creation is then designed to opimistically build an OrderItem instance based on the attributes inferred from the POST body. MásMóvil's API doesn't return the whole resource as one would expect with a REST API. That is why OrderItem's create input data structure won't directly match an OrderItem attributes.

The minimum structure is presented as the variable sample-order-item-post-request:

from import OrderItem

order_item_data = {
    'lineInfo': [
            'name': 'Antonio',
            'surname': 'Garcia',
            'phoneNumber': '616010101',
            'documentType': 'NIF',
            'portabilityDate': '2020-02-06',
            'iccid_donante': '8934046318031035245',
            'iccid': '8934046318031035250',

order_item = OrderItem.create(session, order_item_data)


Python version

We use Pyenv to fix the Python version and the virtualenv to develop the package.

You need to:

  • Install and configure pyenv
  • Install and configure pyenv-virtualenv
  • Install the required Python version:
$ pyenv install 3.8.2
  • Create the virtualenv:
$ pyenv virtualenv 3.8.2 pymasmovil

Python packages requirements

Install the Python packages in the virtual environment:

$ pyenv exec pip install -r requirements.txt
