MCU toolkit for mcu automated test.

mcu, nxp
pip install pymcutk==0.3.4


PyMCUTK Overview Build Status

PyMCUTK is a python based toolkit for NXP MCUXpresso SDK. And it aims to proivide easy-to-use tools to work with MCUXpresso SDK. The project focus on toolchains and their projects, debuggers, and NXP MCU boards support.

Simple command line could make you can quicky get start. We have many hard works and you may won't repeat. That is what PyMCUTK design for.


  • Python 3 >= 3.4 or (python 2 >= 2.9)


  • Simply installation with pip:

    pip install pymcutk
  • Install from source code, firstly clone the git repository from Github-PyMCUTK, and run below command in project root:

    pip install .
  • Once installed, try below command to test:

    mtk --version

Quickly start

Command line usage

# Build projects in current directory.
$ mtk build .

# Build specific configuration: sdram_release
$ mtk build . -t sdram_release

# Recursive mode and dump results to CSV format.
$ mtk build ./mcu-sdk-2.0/boards/ -r --results-csv

# Scan Projects dump to json format
$ mtk scan ./mcu-sdk-2.0/boards/ -o test.json

Supported toolchains


MCUTK could automatically discover the installed toolchains from your system as usual. If you hope to use another version, you can edit the config file: ~/.mcutk.

Run bellow command that will initialize the configuration file, which is saved at ~/.mcutk.

$ mtk config --auto


Before create pull requests, please do a test in your local to check mistakes.

pytest command:

pytest .