
Displays and manages Pymodoro session states via i3blocks.

pip install pymodoro-i3blocks==0.1.0



The tool pymodoro-i3blocks lets you easily manage your Pymodoro sessions from within your status bar via i3blocks.

pymodoro-i3blocks is licensed under the Apache License version 2.0.

Get pymodoro-i3blocks

Released snapshots of the software are available for Download from GitHub, and are also distributed through the Python Package Index.

As free software, you can get a copy of the Source Code as well if you prefer.


To fetch the source files, build, and install it on your machine, the usage of pip is recommended:

pip install pymodoro-i3blocks --process-dependency-links

Arch Linux

A pymodoro-i3blocks Package can be found in the Arch User Repository (AUR). The AUR Helper Yaourt provides an easy way to install the application from the package:

yaourt -S pymodoro-i3blocks


To get the application up and running, only few settings are required. The following instructions assume, that you have installed and properly configured i3blocks as well as Pymodoro.

  1. Add Pymodoro as a blocklet to i3blocks, which displays the progress of your Pymodoro session. When no session is active, the blocklet will be hidden. An example is given below.

    command=/usr/bin/pymodoro-i3blocks --daemon
  2. Add another blocklet that allows you to control your Pymodoro sessions. The instance property of the blocklet should match with the one of your Pymodoro configuration.

  3. Optionally modify the examples above, to match them to your preferred style. The usual i3blocks properties apply.

    Please note that some of them may be overridden by pymodoro-i3blocks, e.g., the color of the session blocklet. At this time, this behavior cannot be changed without altering the program code. Feel free to request additional configuration options when needed.

  4. Restart i3blocks. You should see the control blocklet afterwards.

Blocklet Usage

Click with your left mouse button on the pymodoro-control blocklet to start a new Pymodoro session. A right click ends the session.

Help and Support

If you have found a problem with the software, please check the Issue Tracker and file a report. Feedback and contributions are appreciated as well.


You can contact me by email at