
Simple OAuth 2.0 client library

pip install pyoauth2==0.0.4


Welcome to pyoauth2

0. What is pyoauth2 about?

pyoauth2 provides simple OAuth 2.0 client, which enables easy authorization/authentication to several web service APIs, such as Google APIs, Facebook API, Foursquare and so on. (Note that Twitter does not provide OAuth 2.0 as of now.)

This module tries to follow detailed specs on Internet-Draft of OAuth 2.0 (Candidate replacement of RFC 5849) but as of now it is implemented on a visceral level.

1. Lisence

pyoauth2 is distributed under New BSD Lisence. See LISENCE file for details.

2. Requirements

pyoauth2 depends on following modules:

Actually urllib2 can handle same functions as requests but in order to realize more simple and readable code, requests module was selected for HTTP transaction.

3. Installation

pyoauth2 is registered on PyPI so you can install this library with pip and easy_install if you are connected to the internet.

Otherwise, you can run in Python 2.7 or setup.cfg in Python 3.3+ for installing pyoauth2

4. Getting Started

for detailed document, see

5. Changelog

  • 2012-04-27 version 0.0.4 released
    • started Python 3 support
  • 2012-04-24 version 0.0.3 released
    • enabled server side usage
  • 2012-04-23 version 0.0.2 released
    • fixed sample
  • 2012-04-20 version 0.0.1 released
    • first release