
Various extensions for pyqtgraph.

pip install pyqtgraph-extensions==0.5.9



Various extensions for pyqtgraph.

Installing pyqtgraph_extensions creates two namespaces:

  • pyqtgraph_extensions - various classes and functions providing some of extra functionality for pyqtgraph
  • pyqtgraph_extended - a namespace merging pyqtgraph_extensions with the original pyqtgraph

In principle, it should be possible to import pyqtgraph_extended instead of pyqtgraph and have the same behaviour but with new functionality available. So the two options for using this repository are:

import pyqtgraph as pg
import pyqtgraph_extensions as pgx


import pyqtgraph_extended as pg


See pyqtgraph_extensions/examples for some examples.

Axis alignment across multiple plot items

The AlignedPlotItem is so-called because it uses its parent's graphics layout object for holding its constituent items (view box, axis items and title) rather than creating one internally. Its constituents can therefore be aligned with those of other items in the parent's graphics layout, including the constituent items of other AlignedPlotItem objects. Here's an example. The extensions include:

More axis controls

AxisItem is reimplemented with its own buttons for autoranging at the upper and lower limits.

Traditional interactive color bar

pyqtgraph_extensions adds a MATLAB-style ColorBarItem which can be linked to multiple ImageItems.


  • Simplified exporting
  • Easy adding of a second vertical axis on the right hand side (with linked x axis), likewise for a second horizontal axis on the top.
  • More GLGraphicsItems

Dependencies & compatibility



Test environment

  • tox with tox-conda
  • pytest with pytest-qt

Plan / outlook

I developed the various features as needed and will continue on the same basis. When I began writing pyqtgraph_extensions I was just starting out with Python, Git/GitHub, and open source tools in general (I'm a convert from MATLAB).

I'd be happy for any/all features to be moved into pyqtgraph proper. Feel free to reach out.