
provides for a 'session_https' secure session interface

web, pyramid, beaker
pip install pyramid-https-session-core==0.0.7



This package is EOL and support has been discontinued.

Build Status: Python package

Core https session extensions for Pyramid.

pyramid.interfaces offers a ISessionFactory which is used to bind a "session" onto request.session.

This library creates a new ISessionHttpsFactory interface, which can be used to bind a "session" onto request.session_https. This library can be used to provide a single https-only session, or can work alongside Pyramid's session as well.

This package does not provide for the session factory, but contains the tools to build and register the session factories. A session factory can be as simple as using Pyramid's own SignedCookieSessionFactory:

	  from pyramid.session import SignedCookieSessionFactory
	  my_session_factory = SignedCookieSessionFactory('itsaseekreet')

	  from pyramid.config import Configurator
	  config = Configurator()
	- config.set_session_factory(my_session_factory)
	+ pyramid_https_session_core.register_https_session_factory(
    +    config, settings, my_session_factory
    + )

This is a support package for new https-only interfaces to be built upon.

A MUCH BETTER WAY would be to do this via request methods.

This package will likely EOL or evolve into a variant that uses request methods.

support for https awareness

default values are true. They can be set to false

  • session_https.ensure_scheme = true

If request.scheme is not "https", then session_https will be None.

request.scheme can be supported for backend proxies via paste deploy's prefix middleware:

Add this to your environment.ini's [app:main]

filter-with = proxy-prefix

Then add this section

use = egg:PasteDeploy#prefix


Build out a function initialize_https_session_support that registers a factory with this package.

A reference implementation is available in pyramid_https_session_redis (see link below)

Several utility methods are provided to standardize how different libraries can map similar configuration options

Your users should just invoke your initialize_https_session_support as part of their startup

def initialize_https_session_support(config, settings):
	https_session_factory = Foo()
	register_https_session_factory(config, settings, https_session_factory)


This package provides infrastructure to:


This package is available on PyPi
