

web, pyramid, pylons
pip install pyramid_angularstarter==0.1


Pyramid Angular Starter

This is a project scaffold for the pyramid web framework that is setup for javascript development using angularjs and other nice things.

Hopefully it will save you an hour or 2 when you are starting that next awesome twitter clone.

Project generation

This is a project scaffold so you use it in the normal pyramid way.

$ pcreate -l

Available scaffolds:
  alchemy:                 Pyramid SQLAlchemy project using url dispatch
  angularjs:               Pyramid + Angularjs
  angularjs_w_user:        Pyramid + Angularjs + User model, registration, forgot password
  pyramid_jinja2_starter:  pyramid jinja2 starter project
  starter:                 Pyramid starter project
  zodb:                    Pyramid ZODB project using traversal

Note the additional scaffold "angularjs" and "angularjs_w_user", running pcreate with either of these scaffolds will generate a project skeleton with the following "features".

  • pyramid project setup with jinja2, sqlalchemy, and a request local session attribute "db"
  • a javascript project under /client-src setup with bower, gulp, coffeescript and sass
  • a skeleton angularjs project + foundation css

additionally, angular_js_w_user provides a user model and views for the following.

  • login
  • logout
  • registration
  • forgot password

database migrations via alembic are already configured with this template as well.

Hopefully everything else is self explanatory. But if not, maybe reading this will help:)