
Simple python library for creating sprite sheets from images

pip install pysheeter==1.0.6


Reflect API client for Python

Maintenance github pypi

Make requests to an API built using the Reflect API framework over HTTP or UNIX sockets.

Make a request with It will always return the response as a tuple of length 2.

  • The first value is the HTTP-equivalent response code.
  • The second value is the response body
client = Client("<API URL or path to UNIX socket>", "<Optional API key>");"foo", Method.GET) # (tuple) (200, "bar")"foo", Method.POST, {
  "hello": "world
}) # (tuple) (201, "Created")

# etc..

How to use

Requires Python 3 or newer, and of course a Reflect API endpoint.

  1. Install with pip

    pip3 install reflect-client
  2. Initialize the module

    from reflect_client import Client 
    client = Client("<API URL or path to UNIX socket>", "<Optional API key>");
  3. Make API request

    Use the call() method to perform a request"foo?bar=baz", Method.GET);
    Argument index Type Required Description
    0 String Yes Fully qualified pathname and query params of the endpoint to call
    1 Method Yes A supported Reflect HTTP method (eg. Method::GET)
    2 List No An optional List of key and values to be sent as Content-Type: application/json to the endpoint

    The call() function will return an array of length 2 wil the following information

    Index Type Description
    0 Int HTTP-equivalent response code (eg. 200 or 404)
    1 String/Array Contains the response body as either a string, or array if the response Content-Type header is application/json