
Python simple static site generator for open source projects

pip install pysuerga==0.1.0


Pysuerga - Python simple static site generator for open source projects

Pysuerga is a very simple static site generator. It was initially created for pandas, but is used in other projects.

To use Pysuerga you need to create the website structure for your project, with markdown templates, and Pysuerga will generate the same structure after rendering the files.

It is able to manage variables in a structured way, can use Jinja2 in the templates and includes plugins for some common pages: team page with GitHub info, blog aggregator, release information, etc.


You can install Pysuerga with pip:

$ pip install pysuerga

Or with conda:

$ conda install -c conda-forge pysuerga


A simple example of using Pysuerga. Create a directory myproject with the next content:

+ myproject
  - config.yml
  + static

Run python -m pysuerga <project-directory> to build the website. The output will be:

+ build
  - index.html
  - about.html
  + static

As you can see, the content of the directory is replicated, but markdown (.md) files are rendered and coverted to .html files.

The file config.yml contains the settings of the project, as well as any variables that are needed.

For example, consider this file:

# Home page

Hey, welcome to the home page of the {{ project_name }} project.

Visit [our about us page](about.html) for more information about us.

And this config.yml file:

  ...  # Pysuerga main settings (see Settings section)
project_name: "My project"

Pysuerga will perform these actions:

  • Render markdown and html files with Jinja2 and the content of config.html
  • Render mardown files as html with Markdown
  • Copy all files to the output directory


You can add any arbitrary content you want to config.yml, and it will be available to use in your files.

For example, we can add the next content:

  ...  # Pysuerga main settings

topic: "open source analytics languages"

- Python
- R
- Julia
- Scala

And then, in any of our files, we can access them using Jinja2:

This is a list of {{ topic }}:

{% for language in languages %}
- {{ language }}
{% endfor %}

Pysuerga has a set of predefined settings. These should be under the section pysuerga of config.yml, and are used for different aspects.