
Lightweight Python HTML Template Engine

Django, HTML, Template, Templating, Python, DSL
pip install pytemplates==


Pytemplates Documentation

Pytemplates is a lightweight HTML template engine written in Python.


  • Pure Python Syntax
  • Template Inheritance
  • Blocks
  • Macros
  • Context
  • Comes with a Django plugin

Installation Instructions

To install pytemplates, run pip install pytemplates.

Django Plugin

To use the Django plugin, import the render_to_response function included in the django_plugin module and use it in your views.

Basic Syntax


An element must be placed in a list or a tuple. The first entry in the list or tuple must be the tag definition, and is placed in a set. The second entry is the content of that element.

[{'div'}, "I am a div element."]


A tag is the first entry in an element. Attributes are passed in as tuples, or written in short form. Content is the second entry in the element.

# Long form
# Putting your element in a tuple will create a html element with no closing tag
({'input', ('value', 'This is a disabled input field'), ('disabled',)},)

# Output: <input value="This is a disabled input field" disabled>

# Putting your element in a list will create an html element with a closing tag
[{'ul', ('class', 'unstyled'), ('id', 'my_list')},
    [{'li'}, 'One'],
    [{'li'}, 'Two'],

# Output: <ul class="unstyled" id="my_list"><li>One</li><li>Two</li></ul>

# Short form
({'input[value="This is a disabled input field"]:disabled'},)

    [{'li'}, 'One'],
    [{'li'}, 'Two'],


Your template is a class that extends the Template class.

from pytemplates.pytemplates import Template
class MyTemplate(Template):
    def template(self, *args):
        # Your template code goes here and is returned by this method
        template = [{'div'}, "Hello"]
        return template


Context is passed in from your view when you call your render function. It is also accessible from the instance

# In your
class MyView(TemplateView):
    def get(self, request, *args):
        context = {'test': 'Hello World'}
        return render_to_response(request, 'my_template', context)

#### In your template file:
class MyTemplate(Template):
    def template(self, *args):
        c = self.context
        template = [{'div'}, c['test']]
        return template


A block is defined as an instance method inside your template, with the @block decorator. Blocks are passed to your template function and are accessible from the instance.

from pytemplates.pytemplates import Template, block
class MyTemplate(Template):
    def my_block(self, *args):
        return [{'span'}, "It works!"]

    def template(self, *args):
        b = self.blocks
        # You can access all your blocks from variable b
        template = [{'div'}, b.my_block]
        return template

class MyOtherTemplate(MyTemplate):
    def my_block(self, *args):
        # You can also access the context in your blocks
        c = self.context
        return [{'div'}, c['test']]


A macro is any function that returns valid template code. You must use the @macro decorator to let your template know about your macro.

You can also group many macros as static methods inside a class that is decorated with the @macro decorator as well.

from pytemplates.pytemplates import Template, macro
class MyTemplate(Template):
    def list_maker(n):
        out = [{'ul'}] + [
            [{'li'}, i] for i in range(n)
        return out

    def template(self, c, b, m):
        template = [{'div'}, m.list_maker(10)]
        return template


You can include any external file with an include statement. This will render that file wherever you put the include statement. This can be used to include embedded javascript code, css code, or raw html code, or any other text you would like to include in your templates.

from pytemplates.pytemplates import Template
class MyTemplate(Template):
    def template(self, c, b, m):
        template = [{'div'}, self.include('some_external_file.html')]
        return template

Rendering the Template

To render your template, create an instance of the template and call its render() function.

template = MyTemplate()

# This will output the rendered HTML template

# You can pass the context to the render function as a dictionary:
template.render({'some_variable': 1234})

Full Example

### In your
from pytemplates.django_plugin import render_to_response
from django.views.generic.base import TemplateView

class MyView(TemplateView):
    def get(self, request, *args):
        context_test = {'test': '<strong>Hello World</strong>'}
        return render_to_response(request, 'templates.test_template', context_test)

### In your
from myapp.views import MyView
urlpatterns = patterns('',
    url(r'^$', MyView.as_view(), name='home'),

### In templates/
from pytemplates.pytemplates import Template
from pytemplates.pytemplates import block
from pytemplates.pytemplates import macro
from pytemplates.pytemplates import render

# You can define macros inside or outside the template
# If you define them outside, just put them in a list
# called "extra_macros" in your class.
def select(name, options=[], value=None):
    # Render a select field
    out = [] + [
        [_.option('checked' if o[0] == value else '', value=o[0]),
        o[1]] for o in options]
    return out

# You can also define a group of macros under a class (e.g. to group related macros)
class group_of_macros:
    def macro1():
        return [{'div'}, "macro_1"]
    def macro2():
        return [{'div'}, "macro_2"]
    def macro3():
        return [{'div'}, "macro_3"]

# This is the actual template
class MyTemplate(Template):
    extra_macros = [group_of_macros, select]

    # Blocks can be overridden in any class extending Template
    def title(*args):
        content = "It works!"
        return content

    def template(self, c, b, m):
        # c, b, and m are variables that contain the context,
        # blocks, and macros available respectively. They are also
        # accessible from self.context, self.macros, and self.blocks
        template = \
                    [{'title'}, b.title],
                        ('rel', "stylesheet"),
                        ('href', "//")},),
                        ('rel', "stylesheet"),
                        ('href', "")},),
                        ('src', "//")},],
                                [{'a.navbar-brand', ('href', '#')}, "PyTemplates Test"],
                            [{'button.btn:disabled'}, "I'm a disabled button!"],
                            [{'input.form-control', ('disabled',), ('value', "I'm a disabled input field.")}],
                            [{'h1'}, "Hello World!"],
                                ('safe', """This is just an example template using <strong>PyTemplates</strong>,
                                    <strong>Bootstrap</strong>, and <strong>Django</strong>.""")],

                            # Here's an example of an if statement that will test context variable 'test':
                            ('test' in c) * [{'p'},('safe',
                                "You passed {0} as context variable 'test'".format(
                                    c['test']))] or [{'p'}, "You did not pass 'test' in the context"],
        return template
.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2