
``py.test`` plugin to run ``BrowserStackLocal`` in background.

browserstack, browserstack-local, python
pip install pytest-browserstack-local==0.5.0


pytest-browserstack-local travis-ci

py.test plugin to run BrowserStackLocal in background during the test session.


pip install pytest-browserstack-local


Let's assume you're using pytest-selenium with pytest-django.

It's a good example because Django runs so-called LiveServer of your app on localhost for test purposes and that's a perfect reason why we need BrowserStackLocal.

But it can be anything else which runs your app on localhost.

Also let's assume that you have downloaded BrowserStackLocal and it's on your system path now (though there is an option to provide explicit path to the binary).

# tests/

def test_home_page_title(selenium, live_server):
    assert selenium.title == "Home page - My Django Project"

Now run your tests in BrowserStack:

export BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME="<secret-name>"   # used by ``pytest-selenium``
export BROWSERSTACK_ACCESS_KEY="<secret-key>"  # used by ``pytest-selenium``
                                               # and by ``pytest-browserstack-local``
py.test tests/ \
    --driver BrowserStack \
    --capability os Windows \
    --capability os_version 10 \
    --capability browser IE \
    --capability browserstack.local True \

Note: there are two cases how you can run BrowserStackLocal - as a foreground process and as a daemon process. pytest-browserstack-local supports both but it's better to use the latter one (because in the first case we're scanning the process output for a specific text, which is a bit "hacky"):

--browserstack-local-argument daemon=start

CLI arguments

  • --browserstack-local - enable pytest-browserstack-local plugin. Without it - no other argument will take effect.

  • --browserstack-local-path - path to BrowserStackLocal binary. Default: BrowserStackLocal in system path.

  • --browserstack-local-argument - pass an argument for BrowserStackLocal binary. You can specify it multiple times. Pass it in any of the following formats:

    • --browserstack-local-argument local-identifier=ABC123
    • --browserstack-local-argument localIdentifier=ABC123

    And for boolean arguments (aka "flags") use one of the following formats:

    • --browserstack-local-argument only-automate
    • --browserstack-local-argument onlyAutomate

    No value must be presented!

    See all the possible arguments in BrowserStackLocal docs (or just do BrowserStackLocal --help).

Environment variables

  • BROWSERSTACK_ACCESS_KEY - access key for your BrowserStack account.

Configuration file

pytest-browserstack-local plugin is integrated with pytest-variables.

You can put all the BrowStackLocal arguments into a file (e.g. browserstack-local-config.json):

  "BrowserStackLocal": {
    "key": "XYZ",
    "proxyHost": "localhost",
    "proxyPort": "12345",
    "proxyUser": "admin",
    "proxyPass": "12345",
    "onlyAutomate": true

And then use it in CLI via pytest-variables:

py.test --variables browserstack-local-config.json

You can use any of the following formats for keys in the config file:

  • local-identifier
  • localIdentifier

See all the possible arguments in BrowserStackLocal docs (or just do BrowserStackLocal --help).


  • browserstack_local - a dict with the BrowserStackLocal process info.

    There are two cases:

    • Foreground process (e.g.):

          'process': subprocess.Popen(...),
          'daemon': None,
          'cmd': ['BrowserStackLocal', '--key', '<secret-key>']
    • Daemon process (e.g.):

          'process': None,
          'daemon': {
              'state': 'connected',
              'pid': 48213,
              'message': 'Connected'
          'cmd': ['BrowserStackLocal', '--key', '<secret-key>', '--daemon', 'start']


  • Make a fork (if you're not me).
  • Checkout the repo.
  • Create a virtualenv.
  • pip install -e '.[test]'
  • Do your changes.
  • py.test
  • Make a pull-request ;)

I'm always open for great ideas, but even more - for contribution.

Run a real test

If you want to try it for real: download & install BrowserStackLocal and then run:

export BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME="<secret-name>"
export BROWSERSTACK_ACCESS_KEY="<secret-key>"

py.test -m sensitive \
    --driver BrowserStack \
    --capability os Windows \
    --capability os_version 10 \
    --capability browser IE \
    --capability browserstack.local True \
    --browserstack-local \
    --browserstack-local-path ./BrowserStackLocal

This will run a hidden Selenium test that runs real BrowserStackLocal and checks a localhost-hosted page on BrowserStack.