
A pytest package implementing perceptualdiff for Selenium tests.

pytest, selenium, pdiff, perceptualdiff
pip install pytest-selenium-pdiff==0.4.0



Current Version Build Status

A pytest package implementing perceptualdiff for Selenium tests.


  • Embeds screenshots in pytest-html reports
  • Supports ImageMagick or perceptualdiff for image comparison.

Use with pytest-html and pytest-selenium

By default pytest-selenium will embed a screenshot depicting the current browser state. This will lead to a duplicated screenshot because of this plugin's behavior. At this time the best way to exclude the pytest-selenium screenshot is to set the environment variable SELENIUM_EXCLUDE_DEBUG=screenshot.

Working With This Repo


  1. Set up and activate virtual environment in the repo by running: virtualenv venv and then source venv/bin/activate
  2. Run pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
  3. Install PhantomJS with brew install phantomjs
  4. Run tox to run the tests for the repo

Making a release

For Rentlytics employees, to release new code for the pytest-selenium-pdiff project to pypi, follow these steps:

  1. run bumpversion to bump the version
  2. make sure there is a file in the home directory ~/.pypirc with the login credentials for PyPi. For more about how to upload to PyPi, see this link
  3. run make release to push the new code to PyPi