
A drop in replacement for Python's datetime module which cares deeply about timezones.

pip install python-datetime-tz==0.5.4


datetime_tz module

A version of the python-datetime module which deeply cares about timezone (instead of ignoring the problem). The module automatically detects your current timezone using a variety of different methods.

The module also includes extra functionality;

  • Full integration with pytz (just give it the string of the timezone!)
  • Proper support for going to/from Unix timestamps (which are in UTC!).
  • Smart Parsing which attempts to accept all formats.

This module depends on:

  • pytz - For providing the Timezone database.
  • dateutil - For providing parsing of many common formats.

For development:

  • PyLint - Needed for checking for link.
  • Genshi - Needed for building windows mapping file.

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