
A static-analysis Python import guardian.

import, guardian, static-analysis, imports, lint, python
pip install python-import-guardian==0.0.2


Python Import Guardian README

What is it?

python-import-guardian is a static-analysis import guardian for Python. It can be used to control explictly which Python modules and packages can be imported by a given set of modules and packages in your project.

When is this useful?

Let's say you have a project with two major components — a client and a server. Both of these components live in the same repository (for the sake of argument) and both use a common set of shared code for various functions — for example to determine how certain hashes are calculated or some such.

The code may be laid out thus:

      |- client/
      |- server/
      |- shared/

Conceptually, you only ever want client and shared code to be installed on client machines and server and shared code on server machines. Modules in client and server may import from shared, but not from each other, and shared may import from neither — this ensures that you have a good separation of concerns between client and server code whilst maintaining some shared code and good DRY principles.

python-import-guardian allows you to define how you want these modules to relate to each other when it comes to which module can import what from where. For our example project, a simple importguardian.json file at the top of the project tree might look like this:

        "forbidden_modules": {
            "server": {
                "forbidden_from": [
            "client": {
                "forbidden_from": [

The forbidden_modules declaration here maps Python modules to a list of the modules or packages which may not import them. So in this case: server may not be imported by client or shared, and client may not be imported by server or shared. forbidden_modules is a deny-list, so shared can be imported by anything because it isn't mentioned as a forbidden module.