
Easy way how to run the same query in multiple SQL databases

pip install python-moo==0.4


moo - agile descendant foo

Return to the goals of foo (implemented)

  • SSH connector for execution remote Unix/Linux shell commands

What is moo

  • Easy way how to run the same query in multiple SQL databases
  • Python object created for accessing SQL databases (used internally SQLAlchemy)
  • Simplification of the existing project called foo by using an agile approach to programming

What is foo

  • One of my first projects in Python (the best way how to learn programming in any language is, that you try to create something useful)
  • A project with big ambitions (to be universal interface between the database administrator and the rest of the world, foo has connectors to many SQL databases, connectors for SSH, FTP, etc.)
  • A project with a very low quality of source code
  • Still and probably never finished project

Why the name moo

  • It is similar to foo, you need only change one letter
  • Mnemonically: results from the database are moo-ed you
  • It is my favorite Linux Easter egg ;)
root@work:~# apt-get moo
          / |    ||
         *  /\---/\
            ~~   ~~
..."Have you mooed today?"...

How to use moo.database

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import moo.database
execute = moo.database.execute(config='./examples/oracle.moo', script_directory='./examples/')

execute('select host_name from v$instance')
execute.script('hostname.sql') # or: execute(script='hostname.sql')

How to use moo.ssh

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import moo.ssh
execute = moo.ssh.execute(config='./examples/ssh.moo', script_directory='./examples/')

execute('df -h')
execute.script('') # or: execute(script='')

Any ideas are welcome

Hugo Shamrock