
Python wrapper for the Rightscale API

pip install python-rightscale==1.0.0



A python wrapper for the Rightscale API. This supports the 1.5 API and Rightscale's OAuth token authentication.

Usage Examples

Setting up your auth token

import rightscale
api = rightscale.RightScale(refresh_token='token',api_endpoint='api-endpoint')
  • refreshtoken is the refresh token issued to you when you enabled api access.
  • api_endpoint is the FQDN of "Token Endpoint (API 1.5)" from the same page.

You may pre-store these attributes in ~/.rightscalerc. See the example file for format. When using ~/.rightscalerc, you can instantiate RightScale objects without specifying credentials and it will use the credentials in your rc file:

import rightscale
api = rightscale.RightScale()

Convenience Commands

Here are some examples of some common high-level operations for which functions have been implemented in this library:

  • List all instances in EC2 us-east-1:

    from rightscale import list_instances
    use1_instances = list_instances(cloud_name='EC2 us-east-1')

    Upon success, use1_instances will contain a list of dict objects representing the tiny view of each instance as returned by the RightScale API.

  • Run a RightScript on a specific server:

    from rightscale import run_script_on_server
    inputs = {
        'APACHE_VHOST': 'my-photo-gallery',
    run_script_on_server('enable apache vhost', 'my web server', inputs=inputs)

Object Interface to RightScale API

This library's object interface was modeled after the REST-ish API as documented in the official RightScale API guide.

Users of this library should consult the API reference for context-specific parameters like filters, views, GET and POST parameters.

Root API Object

If you only need to perform a common high-level operation like run_script_on_server, then you can just import the necessary function from the top-level package and start calling it. The convenience commands all expect you to have working credentials in ~/.rightscalerc. They also use an implicitly created API object (i.e. singleton instance of rightscale.RightScale) and perform all the API calls for you.

However, if you need to specify different credentials than those stored in ~/.rightscalerc, or if you need full access to the RightScale API, then you should create your own API object by instantiating rightscale.RightScale. E.g.

from rightscale import RightScale
api = RightScale()

# now check rightscale's health!

Resources and Actions

The rightscale.RightScale class has attributes for the top-level resources documented in the API reference. The methods on each of the RightScale attributes map to the actions listed in the documentation. Invoking an action method is like issuing an HTTP request. Action methods return objects that always have a response attribute containing the HTTP Response objects from the Requests library. For example, the Users resource has an index action that lists all the users available to the account. The HTTP request for this list would be:

GET /api/users

To retrieve the list using this library:

users = api.users.index()

# inspect http response content type
assert 'application/vnd.rightscale.user+json' in users.response.content_type

# inspect other http response headers (note: contrived example; don't really do
# this because the library already checks status for you)
assert '200 OK' == users.response.headers['status']

Most actions that act on a specific resource (as opposed to a set of resources) require a resource id value. For example, to get account details, the API documentation describes the Accounts resource as having a show action that requires an id as the last part of the URL path. If the account id were 12345, the associated HTTP request would be:

GET /api/accounts/12345

To specify a resource identifier to action methods, assign a value to the res_id keyword argument like this:

account ='12345')

Regardless of what the actual name of the resource is (e.g. accounts, users, servers, etc...), the special keyword argument is always called res_id.


The action methods are just wrappers around HTTP Request objects from the Requests library. That means that the methods accept GET parameters and POST data as keyword arguments. For example, to find a server by name, the API reference instructs us to use the index method on the Servers resource with a filter. If the name of the server were server_foo, the HTTP request would be:

GET /api/servers?filter[]=name==server_foo

And RightScale would return a list of matches. Using this library, to conduct the same search would look like this:

params = {
    'filter[]': ['name==server_foo'],
found = api.servers.index(params=params)


Here's an example of how to find resources by tag:

params = {
    'tags[]': ['rs_backup:lineage=prod_db'],
    'resource_type': 'volume_snapshots',
snapshots = api.tags.by_tag(params=params)