
Simple Python oAuth Login

pip install python-socialite==1.1.1



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The easy way to retrieve OAuth 2.0 Tokens from any provider

Simple and convenient way for fetching OAuth 2.0 tokens from any provider. Out of the box support for Facebook, Google, GitHub, Microsoft, Bitbucket and more coming... Inspired by Laravel Socialite

This package handles all required boilerplate code for implementing OAuth based social authentication in Python and allows you to integrate OAuth login easily in any app built with Python irrespective of your python framework or platform.


  • Supports multiple common providers
  • Supports any oAuth 2 compliant providers (You can provide a custom driver)
  • Straighforward unopinionated authentication
  • Can be implemented in any python framework

Out of the box OAuth 2.0 Social Login Providers

  • Login with Facebook
  • Login with Google
  • Login with Microfost
  • Login with Github
  • Login with Bitbucket
  • Any custom OAuth 2.0 driver



pip install python-socialite

Generate redirect uri

from python_socialite import OAuthProvider

config = {
    "google": {
        "client_id": "",
        "client_secret": "",
        "redirect_url": ""
    "microsoft": {
        "client_id": "",
        "client_secret": "",
        "redirect_url": "",
        "tenant": "common",
        "scopes": ["email", "user"],

# Authorize Google
provider = OAuthProvider("google", config)
redirect_url = provider.get_auth_url()

# Authorize Microsoft
provider = OAuthProvider("microsoft", config)
redirect_url = provider.get_auth_url()

# redirect user to the redirect_url using your frameworks supported redirect

Retrieving Access Token and User

code = "" # OAuth provider will redirect back to your redirect_url with a code in the url
provider = OAuthProvider("google", config)

token = provider.get_token(code)
user = provider.get_user(token["access_token"])

This package does not provide opinion on how you use the returned token or user profile. Add that to your application's business logic. Examples include hooking up to your authentication logic, fetching data associated with the returned access token e.t.c

Token Template

NB: Token attributes might vary between providers. Here's a sample returned by Google oAuth

   "access_token": "ya29.***",
   "expires_in": 3599,
   "scope": " openid",
   "token_type": "Bearer",
   "id_token": "***jwt***"

User Template

user = {
    "id": "",
    "name": "",
    "email": "",
    "avatar": "",
    "raw": "",
    "provider": ""

The raw attribute contains all user data as returned by the oAuth provider. Fields in this attribute can be different across different oAuth providers

Requesting Scopes

By default the following scopes are requested

openid, email, profile

You can override requested scopes by adding them to the provider config or using set_scopes method

provider = OAuthProvider("google", config)
auth_url = provider.set_scopes(["openid", "email", "profile"]).get_auth_url()

NB: If no scopes are set in the config or in code the default scopes will be used

Config Options

The config must be a dict containing keys of any of the supported providers

# each provider key must have client_id, client_secret and redirect_url. It's advised to ensure your client_secret is properly secured

config = {
    "google": {
        "client_id": "",
        "client_secret": "",
        "redirect_url": "",
        "scopes": [] # optional
    "facebook": {},
    "github": {},
    "microsoft": {},

Points to note

  • Facebook now requires an access token to load user profile picture. If token is not supplied a placeholder will be returned.
  • Github does not always return users emails depending on user's privacy settings. In that case an email will be returned.
  • Microsoft does not return a picture in the users profile. You can use the returned access token to fetch one from Microsoft Open Graph
  • Support for adding a custom driver to any OAuth provider of your choice is planned. If you urgently need this open an issue
  • The Bitbucket driver will make two calls in order to fetch the user's email addresses
  • The Bitbucket driver does not fetch the user's profile pic

Building custom OAuth 2.0 login driver in python

You can build your own custom OAuth 2.0 driver for any of your preferred services by extending AbstractDriver

TIP: copy code from one of the other drivers on the src directory and modify where necessary

from python_socialite.drivers.abstract_driver import AbstractDriver

class AcmeProvider(AbstractDriver):
    def __init__(self, config):
        """Initialize Acme provider."""
        self.scopes = config.get("scopes", ["account", "email"])

    def provider_name():
        return "acme" # config key

Have a look at the exiting drivers for methods that you must implment

Calling your custom driver

Create your config

config = {
    "acme": {
        "client_id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "client_secret": "xxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "redirect_url": "http://localhost"

provider = OAuthProvider(AcmeProvider, config)

NB: Call all other methods as ussual