
A small python utilities addon

pip install python-util==2.0.0





inany(iterable, item, searchInSubstring=False)

Recursively iterates through the target iterable and all nested iterables, meaning it will also check:

  • All sublists, sublists of sublists, etc. for ALL iterables (lists, tuples, user-defined iterables)

  • For dictionaries, it checks both the keys and the values, including any nested iterables within the values

  • If searchInSubstring=True, it will also check if the item is a substring of any element.

Example usage:

b = {"test" : 3, "other" : [1,2,[3,{"yo" : [3,"MisterL"]},4],5]}
inany(b,"ister") #False
inany(b,"ister",True) #True, as "ister" is a substring of "MisterL"

allIn(lst, otherlst)

Checks if all of the elements from lst are in otherlst

anyIn(lst, otherlst)

Checks if any of the elements from lst are in otherlst

toDict(lst, otherlst)

Combines two lists into a dictionary, with lst as keys and otherlst as values.
If the two lists are of different size, the excess values in the longer list are discarded.


intput(msg, error=None) -> int

Shorthand for int(input(msg)), but also handles any potential exceptions resulting from unexpected user input, such as strings, floats and unsupported unicode characters. It will continue asking the message msg until it receives a valid answer.
If the parameter error is supplied, it will also print that error message after each invalid input. This function is guaranteed to return an integer.

numparse(string, decimals=False, decimalPoint='.', negatives=True)

Parses all numbers out of a given string and returns them in a list. Will return an empty list if there are no numbers in the string.
If negatives=False, all - signs will be ignored and only positive numbers returned.
If decimals=True, it will also parse out decimals numbers using the decimalPoint. decimalPoint can also be set to different values, e.g. ',' when parsing German numbers.

Example usage

numparse("oeiajoefijaoi23jjaeofijaeof83fjoaefij9aeoiafj") #Returns [23, 83, 9]
numparse("abaefjoi23.6ojaeoifjaojo36.5152aeof124ijeoafji3oij",True) #Returns [23.6, 36.5152, 124.0, 3.0]
numparse("aojefioeojf23,33joijwoeifjaoiefjaoij99,99eaf,,,.f13",True,",") #Returns [23.33, 99.99, 13.0]


Expects a string in format HH:MM or HH:MM:SS
Returns a datetime object (with or without seconds) from the parameter string

dateparse(datestring, seperator='-', reverse=False, american=False)

Expects a datestring in a standard format (e.g. YYYY-MM-DD, YY-M-DD, etc.)
The seperator can be changed to parse different notations, e.g. 2019/08/12
If reverse=True, parses a date of format DD-MM-YYYY or similar
If american=True, expects YYYY-DD-MM (or MM-DD-YYYY if reverse=True) or similar format


Shorthands for simple file operations.


fileappend(filename, thing)

Will open the file and append the thing to the end of the file. Will convert to string if necessary and close file after use.

fileoverwrite(filename, thing)

Will open the file and overwrite the file contents with the thing. Will convert to string if necessary and close file after use.

filereplace(filename, regexToReplace, replacementString)

Will open the file and replace anything that matches the regex regexToReplace with the replacementString. Closes file after use.

Functional Programming

do(func, times, showResult=True)

Executes the specified parameter function func times amount of times. If showResult=True, it returns a list of the results.

Example usage:

do(lambda : print("hello"), 5) #Will print "hello" 5 times

doall(func, args, showResult=True)

Executes the given function for a list of arguments.

Example usage:

do(addFive, [1,2,3],True) #Returns [6,7,8]

dorec(func, times, args=None, showResult=True)

Recursively executes the given function, taking the previous output of the parameter function func as parameter.

If the args param is not a list, tuple or dictionary, but the return value is, it will loop through all the returned values and apply the parameter function on them recursively until the remaining specified recursion depth is reached. This is determined by the times parameter and the current level of recursion. For example, if times=10 and the third iteration produces a list, the parameter function will be applied on the contents of that list 7 more times.

Type Check Shorthands

isiter(item) / isiterable(item)

Checks if the item is an iterable














Returns the type of that item as a string.


Implements common Haskell convenience features

List features

All except product work on strings as well.

take(lst, amount)

Returns the first amount indexes of the lst


Returns the last amount indexes of the lst


Returns the last index of lst


Returns the first index of lst


Returns all indexes of lst except for the last.


Returns all indexes of lst except for the first.


Returns the product of all members of the list multiplied together. Somewhat similar to built-in function sum()

cycle(thing, amount)

Cycles a list or string and returns the first amount characters from it.


is effectively equal to

take 3 (cycle "TEST")

Example usage:

cycle("TEST ",17) #Returns 'TEST TEST TEST TE'
cycle([1,2,3,4],10) #Returns [1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2]

replicate(thing, amount)

Replicates the given thing and returns a list containing the object amount times.

Example usage:

replicate(15,3) #Returns [15, 15, 15]
replicate(True,3) #Returns [True, True, True]
replicate("Hello",5) #Returns ['Hello', 'Hello', 'Hello', 'Hello', 'Hello']
replicate([1,2,3,4],3) #Returns [[1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4]]


An extension to the built-in math module



Checks if the given number is a prime.


Returns all in range(minimum,maximum)


Returns a list of all factors of the given number, including 1 and the number itself.
Example usage:

findFactors(120) #Returns [1, 120, 2, 60, 3, 40, 4, 30, 5, 24, 6, 20, 8, 15, 10, 12]
findFactors(67) #Returns [1, 67]


Returns all factors of the given number in a list of tuples, including 1 and the number itself.
Example usage:

findFactors(120) #Returns [(1, 120), (2, 60), (3, 40), (4, 30), (5, 24), (6, 20), (8, 15), (10, 12)]
findFactors(67) #Returns [(1, 67)]


Finds the integer x, such that x ** power is equal to num. Returns None if there is no integer root.
Example usage:

findIntegerRoot(100) #Returns 10
findIntegerRoot(27,3) #Returns 3
findIntegerRoot(16807,5) #Returns 7
findIntegerRoot(13) #Returns None

2D Linear equations


Expects two equations in the tuple form (m,c) aka (gradient,start) for a linear equation of type y = mx + c.
Returns a tuple with values (x,y) representing the Cartesian coordinates at which these two equations are equal.


Expects two position vectors in tuple form (x,y).
Returns the gradient of the line connecting them

2D Geometry


Returns the perimeter of a circle with given radius.


Either expects three parameters representing the three sides of the triangle,
or expects two parameters representing the base length and height of the triangle.
Returns the area of the triangle.


Returns the area of a circle with given radius.


Expects the lengths of the parallel sides a and b, as well as the distance between them d.
Returns the area of the trapezoid.

3D Geometry


Returns the volume of a sphere with the given radius.


Either expects three parameters representing length, width and height of the prism,
or expects two parameters representing the area of the base and the height of the prism
Returns the volume of the prism.

cylinderVolume(radius, height)

Returns the volume of a cylinder with given radius and height.

pyramidVolume(area, height)

Returns the volume of a pyramid with given area and height.

coneVolume(area, height)

Returns the volume of a cone with given area and height.

Data structures

Additional complex data structures for Python.




Adds all values of the valueiterable to the tree, starting from that Node


Returns True if the value can be found downwards of that Node, False if it cannot.
If returnNode=True, it instead returns the Node with that value, or None.


Shorthand for Node.findValue(self,value,returnNode=True)


Returns a list of all the values of the subNodes



Returns a dictionary of {value:SubNode}


For example, the string "TEST" has 4 elements and would be converted into a tree with 4 Nodes:

"T" -> "E" -> "S" -> "T"

Node(value="T") ---> Node(value="E") ---> Node(value="S") ---> Node(value="T")

If we now add the string "TEA" to the same tree, we get:

"T" -> "E" -> "S" -> "T"
           -> "A"

The second Node (with value "E") now has two SubNodes, one with value "S" and one with value "A"
The values "T" and "E" are not added a second time, as they are already in the tree.

Full example

#Create TreeNode object
master = TreeNode()

#Add values to the tree

Now our tree looks like this:

"h" -> "e" -> "l" -> "l" -> "o"
           -> "y"
    -> "i"
    -> "o" -> "w" -> "d" -> "y"
#Check if "hey" is really in the tree
master.findValue("hey") #Returns True

#Get the Node that contains the 'd' in "howdy"
node = master.findNode("howd")

#Get the Node that contains the 'e' in "hey" (and also the 'e' in "hello")
otherNode = master.findNode("he")

If we call a method on a node of the tree, we call it from that position
So, for example:

master.findValue("hello") #Returns True

otherNode.findValue("hello") #Returns False
#There is no "hello" downwards of "he".
#So if we wanted to get to "hello" from "he", we would need to search for "llo"

otherNode.findValue("llo") #Returns True

#The same applies to adding values, so the following two calls are identical:

Now our tree looks like this:

"h" -> "e" -> "l" -> "l" -> "o"
           -> "y"
           -> "r" -> "e"
    -> "i"
    -> "o" -> "w" -> "d" -> "y"

What if we want to find all SubNodes of a Node, e.g. of the "e" from "he" (which would be 'l', 'y', 'r')

#Returns {'l':<TreeNode Object>, 'y':<TreeNode Object>, 'r':<TreeNode Object>}

#If we wanted to get the Node of the 'r' that follows this Node, we could do the following
yetAnotherNode = otherNode.subNodes['r']

#This achieves the same as calling
yetAnotherNode = otherNode.findNode("r")

What if we just want the values of the SubNodes, without dealing with the objects themselves?

#Returns ['l','y','r']