
facilitate folder management

file, folder, management, pypi, python, python3
pip install pythontree==1.5.5



PyPI - Python Version PyPI - Library Project Version

This project has been created to facilitate folder management

  • OS Supported

    Linux Support macOS Support Windows Not_Supported

  • Installation

    • pip
       # pip3 install pythontree
       # pip3 install pythontree --upgrade
    • git
       $ git clone
       $ cd pythontree
       $ python3 install
  • Roots

    • roots
      it's a grapich function, print a tree of the chosen path
       >>> import pythontree
       >>> Roots = pythontree.Roots('*** you can choose the path to start ***')
       >>> Roots.roots()
      Alt text
    • element
      return an array with files or folders starting from your chosen path
           │ └─
           │ └─
       >>> import pythontree
       >>> Roots = pythontree.Roots('/home') # you can choose the path to start
       >>> print(Roots.element()['file']['path'])
       ['/home/Desktop/document/', '/home/Desktop/python/', '/home/Desktop/ruby/try.rb']
       >>> print(Roots.element()['file']['name'])
       ['', '', 'try.rb']
       >>> print(Roots.element()['dir']['path'])
       ['/home/Desktop', '/home/Desktop/document', '/home/Desktop/python', '/home/Desktop/ruby']
       >>> print(Roots.element()['dir']['name'])
       ['Desktop', 'document', 'python', 'ruby']
    • type
      return an array with files with an extension of your choice starting from your path
       >>> import pythontree
       >>> Roots = pythontree.Roots('/home') # you can choose the path to start
       >>> print(Roots.type('rb')['name']) # you can choose the extension to return
       >>> print(Roots.type('rb')['path'])
  • Clean

    • element
      return an array with empty folders or equal files
           │ └─
           │ ├─
           │ ├─try(copy).py
           │ ├─try(copy 2).py
           │ └─
           │ └─try.rb
       >>> import pythontree
       >>> Clean = pythontree.Clean('/home') # you can choose the path to start
       >>> print(Clean.element()['empty']['path'])
       >>> Clean.element()['empty']['name']
       >>> print(Clean.element()['duplicate']['path'])
       ['/home/Desktop/python/try(copy).py', '/home/Desktop/python/try(copy 2).py']
       >>> print(Clean.element()['duplicate']['name'])
       ['try(copy).py','try(copy 2).py']
       >>> print(Clean.element()['duplicate']['original']['path']) #original returns the reference file
       >>> print(Clean.element()['duplicate']['original']['name'])
    • delete
      • files
        delete equal files starting from your chosen path
         >>> import pythontree
         >>> Clean = pythontree.Clean('*** you can choose the path to start ***')
         >>> Clean.delete('files')
      • dirs
        delete empty folders starting from your chosen path
         >>> import pythontree
         >>> Clean = pythontree.Clean('*** you can choose the path to start ***')
         >>> Clean.delete('dirs')
      • both
        delete empty folders and equal files starting from your chosen path
         >>> import pythontree
         >>> Clean = pythontree.Clean('*** you can choose the path to start ***')
         >>> Clean.delete('both')