
Tree-like logging util for python

pip install pytreelog==194rc0.post1


pyTreeLog: tree-like logging tool for python

This tool allows python users to log entries in layers of blocks that are displayed in a tree-like structure:

|* f(x="test")
| -x = test
| .-----------------------
| :* Start loop:
| : -i=0
| : -i=1
| : -i=2
| :* end loop
| '-----------------------


  • Displayed python logging entries in tree-like structure;
  • Easily log the entry/exit of a function;
  • Output can be displayed in console or saved to a variable or a file

Note: this file is both a doc and the source of doctest (see section Test for details).



pip install pytreelog

Note that this lib has only one file, pytreelog/, which can be copied to whichever folder of choice. Use this approach only when testing is not intented (this lib use this file, pytreelog/, as both the doc and source of tests).

Or for likely the most updated one:

pip install git+

Quick Preview

from pytreelog.pytreelog import TreeLog   
tl = TreeLog()
tl(x)    # log x

tl.b(x)  # Beging a new block. 'x' is optional. If not given, 
         # x will be assigned the function call arg values. As of
         # 2012.12.19, this can be achieved much more easily for
         # functions by the Decorator Approach described below.  
tl.e(x)  # End the current block. 'x' is optional. If x not given
         # for a function that return something, it will show the
         # returned value    # list of lines of the logged data
tl.text()  # returns the data as a string
tl.reset() # reset the data and block info to start anew 

Turn on/off

You can turn logging on/off with either :



tl._on = True
tl._on = False

default: on.t

Basic usage

>>> from pytreelog.pytreelog import TreeLog
>>> tl = TreeLog()
>>> def f(x):
...   tl.b('BEG')              ## <== New block
...   tl("test line "+str(x))  ## <== Any string
...   tl.e('END')              ## <== End of a block
>>> f(1)      

>>> print(tl.text()) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE     
TreeLog output
|* BEG
| -test line 1
|* END

Beginning/End of a block : tl.b(), tl.e()

>>> def f(x):
...   tl.b()
...   tl("test line "+str(x))
...   tl.e()
>>> f(2)      

>>> print(tl.text()) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE     
TreeLog output
|* BEG
| -test line 1
|* END
|* f(x=2)
| -test line 2

Note: tl.b() logs function name and input value, tl.e() logs nothing. Also note that the output is appended to previous result.

Another example:

>>> tl.reset()                    
>>> tl('start test')    ## log a single line 
>>> def f(x):
...  a=0
...  tl.b()               ## Begin a block. This logs func name and input arg value(s)
...  tl('x = '+str(x))    ## Log a line
...  tl.b('Starting loop:')  ## Begin of another block
...  for i in range(3):
...    tl('i='+str(i))       ## Log i
...  tl.e('end loop')        ## End of block
...  tl.e()               ## End of block
>>> f('test')
>>> tl('done')

>>> print(tl.text())  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
TreeLog output
-start test
|* f(x="test")
| -x = test
| .-----------------------
| :* Starting loop:
| : -i=0
| : -i=1
| : -i=2
| :* end loop
| '-----------------------

Decorator Approach

The logging approach below to indicate a function block:

def ff():               

can be done in a Decorator Aproach by using the TreeLog instance, tl, as the decorator to track the entry/exit of the function ff below:

def ff():                

This allows:

  • Automatically log the entry and exit point of a function;
  • Log the return value of a function:

Log function return

The Decorator Approach automatically logs the return of a function:

>>> tl.reset()
>>> @tl
... def test(a,b=0):
...   tl.b('User-block beg')
...   tl('Inside test()')
...   tl.e('User-block end')
...   return a+b
>>> test(3,4)

>>> print(tl.text())        # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
TreeLog output
|> test(a=3, b=4)
| .-----------------------
| :* User-block beg
| : -Inside test()
| :* User-block end
| '-----------------------
|< 7

Note that, with Decorator Arrpoach, the symbols of function block head/tail (i.e., > and <) are different from those logged with tl.b() and tl.e() (i.e., *). This allows the log to tell function block and user-defined block apart:

  • function block: > and <
  • user-defined block: * and *

Both of them can be customized (See Customizable API below).

Decorator Approach for one-time use

If just want to track nothing but entry/exit of a function, use an unbound instance for one-time use:

>>> @TreeLog()
... def test3():
...     ...     

More example:

>>> tl.reset()
>>> @tl
... def test(a,b=0):
...   tl.l('Inside test()')
...   @tl
...   def inside(a,b):
...      return a+b
...   return inside(a,b)*2
>>> test(3,4)

>>> print(tl.text())        # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
TreeLog output
|> test(a=3, b=4)
| -Inside test()
| .-----------------------
| :> a.inside(b=4)
| :< 7
| '-----------------------
|< 14

Use decorator approach in classes

Example of using TreeLog in classes:

>>> log= TreeLog()
>>> class Cls(object):
...    @log
...    def __init__(self): 
...         self.clsname = 'CLS'
...         self.setname( prefix='I am ')  ## run inside __init__
...    @log
...    def setname(self, prefix): 
... prefix + self.clsname
...    @log 
...    def getname(self): 
...         return
>>> cc = Cls()             ## run __init__, trigger the logging of __init__ and setname.     
>>> cc.getname()
'I am CLS'
>>> cc.setname('This is ') ## run outside __init__. Note the user arg ('This is ') is logged.
>>> cc.getname()
'This is CLS'

>>> print(BR.join( )) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
TreeLog output
|> self.__init__()
| .-----------------------
| :> self.setname(prefix="I am ")
| '-----------------------
|> cc.getname()
|< "I am CLS"
|> cc.setname(prefix="This is ")
|> cc.getname()
|< "This is CLS"

Note that:

  1. instance name, cc, is logged;
  2. setname is logged twice, one bound to self and the other to cc.
  3. getname has a return, which is logged, too.

Output is a list containing the logged strings. tl.text() returns a single string. You can also log to external variable/file :

Log to an external variable

Use the external argument for TreeLog to save output to a variable, which is a dict contains a data key, {'data':[]}:

>>> external={'data':[]}     
>>> p = TreeLog(external=external)
>>> p.b('start')       
>>> @p
... def g(name):
...   p.l('test')
>>> g('g')
>>> p.e('stop')

>>> for x in external['data']: print(x)  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
TreeLog output
|* start
| .-----------------------
| :> g(name="g")
| : -test
| '-----------------------
|* stop

Log to a file

You can log to a file:

pp= TreeLog(logfile='./pytreelog.log')

Customizable API

Defaults of the TreeLog() module:

 TreeLog( header    = '='*45+BR+'TreeLog output'+ BR+'='*45
        , _on       = True
        , block_beg = '* '
        , block_end = '* '
        , func_beg  = '> '
        , func_end  = '< '
        , indent    = 1
        , blockline = '-----------------------'
        , blocksymbols= '|:'   
        , external  = None    # External var ( {'data':[]} ) to which the data is logged
        , logfile   = ''

blocksymbols: a str containing symbols of the left-border of all layers. The default is |:, means the symbols of left-border will be | and :, alternatively.

The following example shows alternative symbols of 3 (i.e., [=!):

>>> tl= TreeLog(blocksymbols= '[=!')
>>> @tl
... def f():
...   tl.b('1st layer')
...   for i in (1,2):
...     tl.b('2nd layer')
...     for j in (3,4):
...       tl.b('3rd layer') 
...       for k in (5,6):
...         tl( str( (i,j,k) ) )
...       tl.e()
...     tl.e()
...   tl.e()
>>> f()

>>> print(BR.join( )) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
TreeLog output
[> f()
[ .-----------------------
[ =* 1st layer
[ = .-----------------------
[ = !* 2nd layer
[ = ! .-----------------------
[ = ! [* 3rd layer
[ = ! [ -(1, 3, 5)
[ = ! [ -(1, 3, 6)
[ = ! '-----------------------
[ = ! .-----------------------
[ = ! [* 3rd layer
[ = ! [ -(1, 4, 5)
[ = ! [ -(1, 4, 6)
[ = ! '-----------------------
[ = '-----------------------
[ = .-----------------------
[ = !* 2nd layer
[ = ! .-----------------------
[ = ! [* 3rd layer
[ = ! [ -(2, 3, 5)
[ = ! [ -(2, 3, 6)
[ = ! '-----------------------
[ = ! .-----------------------
[ = ! [* 3rd layer
[ = ! [ -(2, 4, 5)
[ = ! [ -(2, 4, 6)
[ = ! '-----------------------
[ = '-----------------------
[ '-----------------------


All tests are written in this (which means, this is both a doc and tests). The content of this file is loaded by pytreelog.test() and assigned to TreeLog.__doc__ then tests are carried out by doctest.testmod() (See the code in pytreelog.test() for details).

\>>> from pytreelog import pytreelog
\>>> pytreelog.test()
--- Loading "C:\python37\lib\site-packages\pytreelog\" for doctest:
--- Tests done.
