
Python implementation of dyne's file extension list

pip install qcktypes==1.1



Python implementation of Dyne's file extension list

What is this

There I was, trying to get files out of a directory and categorize them based on their file extension. "This is probably already a module" I said. I was right, there it was, glorious filetype.

"Wait... what is a MIME bruh 😭"

I don't want to validate files actually, just tell me what they are

The module filetype validates files with their magic numbers or whatever, but I didn't want that. I found Dyne's file extension list and quickly wrote up this module since I couldn't find anything similar. I would write more features but I know literally nobody will ever use this so it's probably fine.

Rather than validating files with their magic numbers this module simply checks the extension of an input file and compares it with a dictionary of extensions and returns its category.


python3 -m pip install -U qcktypes

Quick example

import qcktypes

file =  'example.txt'
category = qcktypes.find_type(file)

print(f'{file} is in category: {category}!')

output :

$ python3 example.py
example.txt is in category: text!