A parser of QCM file

pip install qcm-parser==0.0.6


QCM parser

It's a basic and quite strict QCM (Multiple Choices Questions) parser.

It parses a file .md file into Python objects. That's all.

There's no rendering, no export. It must be done separetaly.


It requires python>=3.7 and markdown package.

$ pip install qcm_parser


In your script :

from qcm_parser.parser import ParseQCM

qcm = ParseQCM.from_file("my_qcm_file.md")


Will display your QCM as a text.

In memory, you qcm object is represented as a tree which holds parts.

Those parts holds questions, holding answers.

It is then easy to navigate through it like this :

for part in qcm.parts:
    for question in part.questions:
        for answer in question.title:


There's 2 modes :

  • for web export (qcm_part.from_file(filename, mode="web")), the default one, mode named parameter can be ommitted.
  • for pdf export (qcm_part.from_file(filename, mode="pdf")).

The mode=web should be used if you want to serve a QCM like I do here

It replaces markdown syntax with html syntax using markdown module.

The mode=pdf can be used to create a randomized QCM in a .md file, then to export it with pandoc.

QCM file description

Files should be utf-8 encoded text files with .md extensions.

They should respect the example format :

# title

## part

the text of the part

### question with multiple choices

optional sub text. Can contains code, latex, whatever

- [x] right answer
- [ ] wrong answer a
- [ ] wrong answer b

### question with text allowed

- [t]

Known limitations

Only a little subset of markdown is supported.

  1. A title must be found

  2. title, parts and questions can't have empty string after #, ## or ### tag

    ## valid part
    wrong part
  3. Code blocks with triple backticks are supported not ~~~. Those will creates bugs.

    # title
    ## part
    ### question
    # comment
    def f():
        return 1

    is valid.

    but :

    # title
    ## part
    ### question
    # comment
    def f():
        return 1
    **is not valid.**
    The `# comment` line will be interpreted as a new title etc.